I don't want to know your favorite color

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*Mature Sexual Content*

2018, July.

Her brother listened to her crying.

And he felt powerless in the situation. For one, Ilaria thinks she is alone in her room, without anybody bothering her. Secondly, Easton was eavesdropping on her, listening to her muffled cries and chocked sobs. His heart broke for his baby sister. Not once in his life he saw her sad more than a few minutes, she always had a radiant smile on her face, and so when he walked down the hall to the kitchen and heard her crying, he couldn't help himself but to stop and press his ear on the door.

Both of their parents were out again, God knows where. So it was up to him, to notice and realize his little sister had been crying for too long now. She had been sad and grumpy and she barely left her room. Only now it became worrisome, it's unlike her.

Ilaria always had trouble making friends, so he couldn't ask anybody close enough to her. Her boyfriend Charles, on the other hand, was away traveling as a Formula 1 driver so Easton doubts he knows what is going on.

Taking a deep breath, he braced himself for the screaming he was about to endure.

Once opening the door to her room, Ilaria instead of yelling for him to get out, she opened her arms for his brother to come hug her. She sobbed silently on his shoulder to the point her whole face was damped.

"He's a cheater" those words made his heart sink. Charles Leclerc? the lovely boy whom he grew up with couldn't possibly be so disgusting as a cheater.

Easton likes to believe he's pretty close to Charles, they grew up like brothers after all, he knows everything about him. It cannot be possible that their relationship of five years could be thrown out like that.

"It's just rumors I've seen online" Ilaria explains. But pictures and gossip from the fans is usually right.

"Have you spoken to him?"


"There is more to this life than a boy who cannot love you" Easton hugs her tighter, not caring if her stuffed animals are up his ass. "You're a bit too old to have all these shit on your bed by the way"

"Shut up."

"I just can't seem to move on" Ilaria spoke softly while staring at her brother gravestone. "And every time I try to, I feel guilt about it"

Charles stood behind her, his own eyes involuntarily going to his father spot on the field which isn't too far away. "You don't need to feel guilty about it. It's your life after all" one of his hands grabbed one lock of her light hair as he softly plays with it. "It took me a while if that's what you're asking"

What breaks her heart more than anything is coming to the realization how she wasn't so close to her family, and after they passed away the term family became nonexistent.

Finally after an hour they walked away from the graveyard. Charles in a fight with himself before he finally gave in, it's her happiness before his, it'll always be like that even if his heart breaks in two during the process.

"You should start meeting new people, Lils"


He fully stops making her stop as well as she faces him. "You need... you need a person that pulls you out of that misery and clearly I haven't been of any help"

"So I should see a therapist?"

"No, not that. I mean- yes also that. But what you need is to give yourself the opportunity of new," The word he tried to say doesn't come out, it takes everything in him to finally say it out loud. "—love"

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