It wasn't actually fun

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"You kind of deserved that" Charles said all the way from her bed, flipping mindlessly through movies on Netflix. "How did he know it was you though"

"Thanks Charles, really appreciate the support." Ilaria rolled her eyes, brushing her wet hair in the bathroom. "I guess he put the pieces together as to why Ferrari was suddenly throwing eggs at him"

Ilaria finally finished cleaning herself and hair after an hour of trying to get rid of the icing. She dived on the bed almost crushing Charles while he did a dramatic sound of dying.

"What are we watching"

"My slow death after you squeezed me"

"Don't be so dramatic" she rolled her eyes before turning to the tv.

Again, neither watched the movie. Charles was already asleep when Ilaria hadn't even turned off the light. And so she decided to sleep as well after a tiring day of just eating her life away in lactose.

Ilaria woke up alone as usual and got ready with a simple summer dress before leaving to the track.

She avoided fans, and the press and hid her face behind her hair, a pair of sunglasses and a Ferrari cap. Perfect.

But she wasn't so lucky when it came to hiding from Max.

He grabbed her by the back of her neck, squeezing just right as he kept on walking while guiding her.

"How did the cake taste?" Max asked slowly, even if Ilaria couldn't see him she could feel the annoying smirk ripping off his face.

"Like your cock" she whispered back, turning her head to smile wickedly at him. "So disgusting I gaged" And she continued walking like nothing, her walk just radiating confidence knowing damn well Max was staring at her back.

Upon arriving to the Ferrari facility she was pulled aside by Charles, who grabbed her upper arm to bring her with him.

"People think we're dating" Said Charles in worry. "I have a girlfriend" he slowly explained as if Ilaria didn't understand this.

"I know. You're my best friend, that's all" she shrugged. "Why can't you just explain it how it is?"

He rolled his eyes, "because media in F1 works differently"

"Just post a picture with your girlfriend or something"

Charles eyes lit up in realization, how could their team not think about this? "You're good at this"

"I'm good at everything" followed by a horrid wink that had Charles pretending to gag at her gesture.

"Leave that for Max, not me"

"Fuck off" she pushed him aside, giggling a little at his silly comment. "Go race or something"

Charles went off jogging towards his car, speaking with his mechanics while he prepared for the race.

Ilaria couldn't help but feel nervous. She knows the danger Charles is stepping into, she knows how crude the sport is, she knows it all. She anxiously paced in the small space she was standing, fidgeting with her fingers not even looking at anything.

If she knew she was going to get this anxious, why the hell did she agree?

Throughout the beginning of the race she only watched snippets of it. She couldn't understand why it felt so different from the rest of the races she watched the past weeks.

And then she knew why.

Max had crashed with Charles in a corner.

Ilaria's heart beat faster and all the sound around her suddenly stopped. She could only have eyes on the tv as Max got out if the car but not Charles. She continuously switched between watching the engineers and the tv broadcast, even watching herself a few times on the tv as she freaked out.

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