Pasta la vista

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Somebody copied my other story of Lando called Daisies, literally the exact same plot. I already spoke with the person and reported them so the book is down but genuinely if you want to copy me or something at least tell me before or give credit, I have no problem with it genuinely. so please if any of you think about doing a story, because it literally was exactly the fucking same, just tell me.


Ilaria managed to convince Charles to attend the party, promising to leave at twelve although she will most likely be hiding somewhere to not leave that early.

She walked happily behind Charles while he lead the way towards the rooftop the party is at. She couldn't care less about about Charles grumpy behavior, ignoring his death glares and sighs. If he wanted to talk about his break up then so be it but she really doesn't want to bring up that topic knowing he will call her nosy and most likely not want to talk about it because of his stubborn ass.

"I won't speak" he said after a long intense stare from her during the elevator. "I won't"

Ilaria raised her hands up in defeat. "I didn't say a thing"

"But I know you want to" he sighed.

"I won't push you" She walked outside, now ignoring the stares coming from him.

Charles suddenly reaches forward to grab her arm pulling her softly towards him. "Have I said you look beautiful tonight?"

"No. I believe you said I look like an ogre?" She said with a bit of sadness in her voice although she tried to mask it with a laugh. The first thing he said when he went to pick her up in her hotel room was how different she looked. Obviously she laughed at this, used to comments like that and growing up with a brother really toughens one up but she can't help but wonder if that is really how Charles sees her.

Charles snorts, laughing by himself causing smile to grow on her face. Everything is joking yet it stings a little.

"You look beautiful." he deeply stares into her eyes, "You are beautiful. You know I love you and I'm just messing around with you"

She nodded, slowly moving away from his close body before walking in the party. Charles behavior has been so different these past few days it clouded her mind with how he was acting but then again it can be because of the breakup he's going through.

"You came!" Lando is the first to talk to her when she walked inside, he bumped into a few dancing bodies before standing in front of her as he pulled on her arm to stop her from walking.

"No I didn't" she frowns, watching how he matches her expressions.

"But you're right here"

"It's an illusion Lando. You're imagining all this" she explains slowly, using her hand to talk, "In fact, i'm not even speaking to you right now"

"But how is that possible" he whispers bewildered.

"The alcohol probably got in your head"

Lando walked away slowly as a few of his friends called him back, staring weirdly back at her every once in a while as if she wasn't real.

"Now that was mean"

The guy who spoke to her was leaning on a tall table, chuckling at what just happened because he happened to witness the entire exchange.

"It had to be done" she shrugged, recognizing the guy speaking.

"I'm George" he extends his hand for Ilaria to shake it.

"Ilaria Leclerc nice to meet you" she shakes it enthusiastically, loving the way he smiles brightly. "He's my husband" she explains.

"How high are you?" George very well recalls Charles is not married and she definitely cannot be a fan because not anybody can just walk in the party. She must be either drunk or high because.

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