nowhere girl

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Nostalgia is a very weird way to feel about an old memory. Like, Ilaria doesn't want to go through the talking stage of the boy from six grade again or attending homecoming in junior year. But she grives that part of her life is over. She mourns for the years that have passed so suddenly but cries for the present her that has to go through those moments, those feelings of remembering.

She misses the comfort of having time, yearning to start all over again from the begging. The thing about nostalgia is that the pain is often forgotten, what a person went through between the lines of memories is blurred so only the good moments can be remembered.

Seeing Charles for the first time brought such a sense of loneliness and nostalgia over her, her days became a repetition of the last.

She wants to get closer to him once again, even if it's with the friendship they used to have before they dated. But the thought of growing closer to another person and then losing them is too much, she already fears losing her father or grandmother, technically the last family she has left, so coming close with him again is not it.

July flied, and thankfully she didn't see Lando or Charles. Unfortunately, avoiding Max is too difficult.

He threw another egg at her, nothing new.

She then proceeded to dip all his mail in honey. Priceless.

He then locked her out of the building. How? Max somehow stole her keys and when she returned home there wasn't a way for her to get in the building and much less to the apartment. It wasn't until ten at night when her grandmother noticed her missed calls and went downstairs to let her in.

She picked his lock in revenge, to the point it was damaged so not even his keys could fit. This took her a week to do of course, it was hard work but worth it when she heard his anger behind the door.

Ilaria thought he was holding back with the pranking, in her opinion he could be so much more ruthless but for a reason he wasn't being. And she was actually having fun until the end of July when he tried running her over with his car one morning.

She was crossing the street heading to work until a black Ashton Martin braked literally on top of her. All she did was stand there in horror until she finally was able to pull herself together and run away. She doesn't know if Max did it on purpose, if it was an accident or another stupid prank of his.

All day she couldn't focus, memories of her mother screaming and her brother crying repeatedly kept coming back to her. Max messing with her revived memories from the past she wanted so desperately to forget, its as if it triggered something in her brain to make her remember everything from the day they died, memories it took her so long to suppress.

Mark was out for a week, since then her schedule had become longer since she needed to take his shifts. She definitely was tired but having to work double the hours means that she has no time to think much, which is awesome considering how stunned Max left her the last time.

Over the week she didn't do anything to Max, and neither did he. It almost seemed like he was following her actually. When she left in the morning to work he was there waiting for the elevator and when she returned home he was also there waiting for her.

It was almost like he wanted to speak with her. Each time they awkwardly used the elevator together Max was continuously looking over her and staring far too long, as if he knew how far he went with the last prank.

"I heard you haven't done anything to Max. At least not yet"

Ilaria huffs shaking her head, ignoring how Lando sits besides her.

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