I came, I heard, I don't give a sh-

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February 2023

Ilaria first thought that the email was some sort of prank, or even those ads they usually send. It wasn't.

She never checks her emails but she got so bored one Saturday night that she went through all her social media, including her old tumblr account.

Hello Miss Ilaria, I hope you had wonderful holidays.

As promised and spoken, I had made a spot in the team for you. Your work with Ferrari only lasts a year and from then on we will continue to speak.

Reply to this email as soon as you can to speak further the details if the internship.

Thank you,
sincerely Mattia Binotto.

Her first instinct was to call Charles, but then remembering they hadn't spoken. She tried ringing up her father, and nothing. Lastly her grandmother picked up the phone, screaming and cheering excitedly when Ilaria told her the news.

She didn't waste any time on sending an email back. It's worth even if she's terrified, she's excited to do something with her life other than just existing.

Her hopes dropped when she realized the email was sent two weeks ago, she wouldn't expect Ferrari to reply anyways so she just went to sleep.

By the morning she had two more emails and one missed call from an unknown number.

Her nerves started to pick up as she went through them, stating how she must fly to Maranello, Italy, as soon as tomorrow since she replied to their mail so late. Everything was already purchased and organized for her that in an instant she started to pack everything she might need while she spoke on FaceTime with hwr grandmother. Ilaria doesn't know when will she be back so practically packing everything in her house will do.


Landing in Italy didn't create the nerves she thought it would bring. Riding the car with a complete stranger wasn't even the worst part, the worst part is having to face Charles again after months of not talking.

For the entirety of her miserable life she's been a softie. Scream at her? You couldn't control your feelings and it's okay. Use her for your advantage? It doesn't matter as long as you said sorry. Literally drag her through hell and back? Nah it's not a big deal.

It has always been like that, especially with Charles. She loves the guy so much that after all the fights, the jealousy and the cheating allegations Ilaria couldn't help but still forgive him after all.

Her breath hitches as she locked eyes with him, not shocked that she wasn't shaking her head and insulting him however she could.

How could she?

No, instead she was smiling, laughing inside at the memory of his silly jokes and goofy grin, looking fondly at the way his tie wasn't done properly and how his hands were covered in ink.

"And this is one of our drivers—"

"Perceval" Charles, obviously, interrupts the woman who had been giving her a tour of the Ferrari factory, who clearly gives Charles a dirty look about to correct him. "And you are...?"

So we're going for embarrassing middle names, okay.


"Nice to meet you"

Both grin at each other. He couldn't understand why after all these years her sweet and forgiving nature never changed against him.

He was falling, just like how he had fallen all those years ago.

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