Media Training

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"You came in late last night" Pierre spoke, trailing behind her towards the lift of the hotel.

A smile grew on her face, "Were you spying on me?"

"Maybe" he shrugged. "Or maybe my room is next to yours and I heard when you called your grandmother to tell her"

Her face is priceless as she crumbles in shame.

"Don't worry" Laughs Pierre. "I'm happy for both of you"

"It was nothing really" She tries to explain, knowing well how annoying Pierre can get. "It means nothing....Yet"

"Sure. I believe you"


"No" He laughed once again, getting off the elevator after her. "But I'll keep my mouth close for your sake"

Ilaria went alone to the track, and once there someone also couldn't wait to approach her.

"Ilaria, have you seen your phone?" Is the first thing Lando greets her with once she stepped on the paddock.


"I didn't know you were dating Charles" He teases, holding in a giggle. "I'm glad you two are back. Although I preferred you with Max"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" She stops walking to stare.

"Watch that dirty mouth" He slightly pinched her nose before walking backwards towards the McLaren motor home. "Maybe you should check instagram or twitter" Lando's girlfriend sent her an apologetic look before she went after her boyfriend.

Without a doubt she opened her phone, twitter to be exact. First thing she saw was a picture of her and Charles the last night. She was looking up at him with a lovestruck gaze while Charles was smiling softly with one of his hands on her waist while the other grabbing her face.


Ilaria hurried to the Ferrari lodge, quickly looking for him but instead she was grabbed on the arm by Silvia, head of media at the team and pulled inside a room.

Which he already is there, arms crossed and a grumpy face on.

"I don't see what is the problem," He angrily spoke, taking her by surprise since Charles oddly gets mad. "She was my girlfriend before, is a friend now, and will most likely be my wife in three years time"

Her heart stomped harder, to the point she practically feels it in her ears.

"She works at Ferrari at the moment. It is our damn problem" Silvia replied with equal hatred.

"I'm right here" she whispered, taking a seat far from everyone. Charles did hear her, and received a boyish grin in acknowledgement.

"We'll leak more images of you two, Theo is already taking care of those, and we'll pretend the pictures are from years ago." she explained. "Although the reaction of the fans was positive, we can't let this get out of hands"

"So what? I'll never have a girlfriend? I can't ever get close with a girl?"

"Yes, you can" Silvia snapped. "But while she works here, you are not allowed to even spare a glance her way in public!"

Silvia stormed out of the room in anger, all the communications teams following behind, some smiling or apologizing to the both of them.

"She seemed mad"

"No shit Sherlock" Ilaria rolled her eyes, laughing at how dumb Charles acts.

He walked closer, taking a piece of hair framing her face and placing it behind her ear. "You look exceptionally prepossessing this morning"

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