"That's all I have to say, thank you all for listening." She added and slightly bowed as the class begin to cheer for the female hero's speech.

"Alright," Aizawa interrupted. "Now that's over." The lights around the area of the Dome begin to flicker before completely going out. The students gasped in confusion. The water in the fountain started moving unaccordingly and Shousuke seemed to notice it.

While his classmates were asking themselves what was going on, Shousuke still had his eyes focused on the running fountain.

Suddenly a black portal appeared at the center, making his eyes widen in shock. Aizawa noticed his expression and turned around. The black-purple miss wandered around the dome, and a hand outreached from the portal.

Aizawa looked over to the young hero in training behind him. "Stay together and don't move!" He told his students. "Thirteen, protect the students!" He said to his hero companion.

"Whoa, what is that thing?" Kirishima questioned, Shousuke looked back at the portal seeing more villains coming out of it. "Wait, has the training started already m I thought we were rescuing people." He added.

"Stay back!" Aizawa sternly said and put on his goggles, "This is real. Those are villains."

Those words made the other students tremble in fear.

"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and EraserHead. Perplexing according to the schedule we retrieved from U.A.,  All Might should be here as well." A deep voice spoke.

"So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked on the campus?" Aizawa questioned.

"Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who were eager to meet him. They want All Might, The Great Symbol of Piece. I can't believe that he's not here. Maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come to play." The leader of the villains stated.

This angered Aizawa even more, causing his scarf to enlarge its distance. " What? Real villains? no way... What villains be dumb enough to sneak into a school for heroes?" Kirishima questioned. "Sensei, aren't their intruder sensors?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Yes, of course, there are..!"

"Are they only here or also at the main building...? Either way, if the sensors aren't working... It has to be one of their quirks that's doing it." Todoroki said looking over the gate.

'This place is far from campus. they must have picked a time when there'd be a few people here. so maybe they're not as dumb as they seem. they must have an objective. because this is a well-coordinated sneak attack.' Shousuke thought looking down at the villain that had a hand covering their face.

"Thirteen being evacuation and try calling the school! One of these villains must be jamming the sensors. There's a good chance one of their electric types is causing the interference." Aizawa stated, then turned to one of his students. "Kaminari try using your quirk to signal for help."


"But Sensei, what are you going to do?! you can't fight them on your own. There are too many of them. Even if you can mollify their quirks, your fighting style's not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and a one-on-one fight. It's gonna work best in a group." Midoriya tried to stop him.

"No good hero is a one-trick pony," Aizawa responded sternly, then turned to the space hero. "Thirteen take care of them." She nodded, and he jumped down from the railing to fight the villains.

"Ranged squad let's move!" One of the villains with a helmet shouted. "Our intel said it was just supposed to be Thirteen and All Might out here!! Who's That." a lady questioned. "Dunno! But he's coming at us all alone, if he thinks he can take us down easy, he's dead!" Another one of the villains stated.

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