Chapter 28- Leaving for Genova

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a/n hey guysss.. so it's been a while 😧 i am so sorry i have just been mad busy the past months but i am getting back to this!! - it would be great if you left ideas for later chapters in the comments- wanna pls my readers 😩🙏 (and ofc i'll give u credit)

also, thank you so much for 5k reads since I last wrote?? omg


*Luca Pov*

It was the late evening. Luca was sitting outside on the cabin's porch, enjoying the fall air. He was so excited be going back to Genova. It was home from home. And after all, Maria had wanted to meet Alberto for years. So it was a solid plan.

The trio were meant to be moving the furniture back to how it was when they got there, however Giulia seemed to be the only motivated one.

Luca sighed, getting up to help. They spent the rest of the evening straightening up the house -"I could never" - Alberto - before falling into their beds, exhausted.

The Next Morning


Luca's eyes fluttered open to Alberto, hovering on top of him. Despite being extremely groggy, this made Luca go into a furious blush.

"W-what time is it, Beto?"

"About 6 in the morning. But we gotta get up! The train leaves at 8." Alberto added, seeing Luca's annoyed face.

"Carry meeee" Luca protested.

"But you need to get dressed, caro" Alberto laughed.

"Hmph.. fine. But after.."

"Sì, sì, I'll carry you." Alberto smiled.

Luca got up, pulling off his pyjamas and pulling on his clothes. He walked over to the mirror, brushing and fluffing up his hair. Alberto came over to him and rested his head on top of his.

"You're not that tall," Luca laughed.

"On my tip toes I am." Alberto grinned.

Luca smiled up at him before gathering up his stuff and putting it in his bag. "I'm waiting," Luca said.

Alberto sighed, picking up Luca bridal-style and carrying him downstairs.

"MAKE WAYYY" Alberto shouted, thundering down the stairs "I HAVE A WOUNDED SOLDIER."

Giulia rolled her eyes at them, laughing. "Grab your bags, ragazzi. We gotta ahead the station!"

The three of them picked up their bags, exiting the cabin. It felt weird, leaving it behind for good. Hut they were ready.


"You know, I'm kind of gonna miss it." Luca reflected, when they had boarded the train.

"Pfft, I'm not. I'm ready for my own bed in Mama's house." Giulia replied.

"Do.. do you guys think she'll like? Maria?" Alberto asked.

"I got a feeling you'll get along well, fratello. She's wanted to meet you since Luca and I were 13!"

Alberto look at her, amused "Really?"

"Only because Luca was all 'Alberto' this, 'Alberto' that." Giulia smirked.

"Hey!" Luca protested, nudging Giulia.

She shrugged, "It's the truth."

Alberto Pov:

The train made a sudden, loud whistle, getting rid of any tiredness left in them. It soon picked up the pace and left the station. It felt odd, leaving he quaint town behind, but as I said before, they were ready.

Luca soon dropped off again, his head on Alberto's shoulder.

Giulia smiled, "He's used to the journey. Always falls asleep for the first part."

Alberto smiled at him, before looking back at Giulia. The two chatted about Genova, and what there was to do there.. but Alberto couldn't help but feel.. guilty. He had left his papa and Portorosso behind.. and, although they would be going somewhere where it would be easier to contact him, he felt selfish. And it wasn't an easy feeling to shake off, but he tried to cheer himself up with the idea of Genova.


The train whistle blew loud and clear again, jolting both Luca and Alberto awake.

Giulia was almost jumping up and down with excitement, like a little girl, "We're here!" She squealed.

The boys smiled and picked up their bags, ready to greet Maria on the platform.

Alberto loosely knew what Maria looked like, but once he spotted her there was no doubt she was Giulia's mom. She was a stout, plump woman with the same red curls and caring brown eyes. She wore salopette which had a few paintbrushes poking out the pocket. Alberto immediately liked her, but was nervous to go up to her.

"MAMA!!!" Giulia exclaimed, dropping her bags in the platform to greet her, much like she would do with her father when she came back to Portorosso. The two embraced tightly, before Luca went to greet her, also hugging her tightly. Alberto always thought that from time to time, Luca would speak of Maria in a more motherly way than his own mother.

He smiled awkwardly at the happy reunion, not completely sure what to say or do. The woman's eyes met Alberto's with a kind smile.

"Dio Mio, Alberto, how lovely it is to finally meet you!" The woman exclaimed, in her strong Italian accent, pulling Alberto into a hug. This looked rather funny to Giulia and Luca as Maria was short, and Alberto was not. Alberto hugged back, before pulling away gently.

"It's so nice to meet you too! I can't believe we haven't met in all the years I've known Giulia."

Maria smiled, with an agreeable expression. She turned her head to Luca, and said "You know, you weren't wrong. He is handsome!"

Luca blushed slightly, "Maria!"

The lady laughed, looking back to Alberto. "Vieni, my darlings, we must get a taxi home!"

In the taxi, Alberto barely spoke, as he watched the city through the cab window, taking everything in. This was Genova. And he could see why Luca loved it so. It had tall, colourful buildings and huge market spaces, with plenty of greenery and cafes, book stores, bakeries, you name it. It also looked over the sea, which he had been itching to swim in. It was something he had been forbidden from doing for months without the risked of death, but now, he was safe.

and that is where we conclude the chapter! again, i am so sorry for the massive delay in this, i've been so busy but i got covid for the second time so i thought i may use my time coming back to this story. i hope you enjoyed! love you all- may xx

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