Chapter 12

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*Alberto's pov*

Luca and Alberto practically sprinted back to Portorosso, despite their injuries. All along the way back to the town square, all Alberto could think about was beating this shit out of Ercole, after what he had done to Luca. His Luca. And why?! He had crossed paths with Ercole multiple times over the past year, living in a small town made that pretty easy, and he never did more than call out a name or two. But suddenly when he was with Luca and Giulia, he got beaten up? His entire being felt full of hatred. Sheer hatred.

He looked back up, away from his thoughts as to see where they were. They were running down the winding steep hill Luca had ridden his bike up in the Portorosso cup all those years ago, when he suddenly heard a yell. A yell that sounded a lot like it had come from his sister. He ran even faster, following the sound, with Luca not far behind him. He saw Giulia, crying just outside of the town square, kicking someone."GET THE HELL OFF OF ME, ERCOLE"

Alberto shot over to her "GIULIA!" he shouted.

She turned her head "ALBERTO! LUCA!" she shouted, running towards them. She pulled them into an embrace.

"What the hell happened to you two?!" she said, shocked, examining their bruised faces.

"We'll tell you in a minute, but what the hell happened to you?! What was Ercole doing to you?!" Alberto exclaimed. Giulia broke down, crying again.

"Oh my God, Giulia, he did not-" Luca started, gasping.

"He tried to." she sniffed, cutting him off.

They both stood there, hugging Giulia. Alberto was more riled up than ever. That rat was going to pay for what he did to his sister.

"I swear to God, the next time I see Ercole, I'll-" Luca said, starting to cry a little as well.

"What the heck." Alberto muttered "What the heck. He's not getting away with this Giulia." he said, a little louder.

"I just- his face- he was so close, griping onto me, I-" she cried.

"Let's get home." Luca said quietly.

Once they were back at Massimo's, they just sat there on the couch, hugging Giulia.

"I'm sorry." she sniffed, getting up "You guys are the ones who got beaten up. I'll fetch the medical kit." she said, running upstairs.

"Giulia wait-" Luca started, but stoped as she was out of earshot.

"I can't believe this." Alberto said quietly "Giulia doesn't deserve this."

"It's- disgusting. I can even imagine.." Luca trailed off. 

At few moments passed "How are you doing? How are you injuries?" Alberto asked, looking up.

"I think I only really have a bad bruise under my eye and on my stomach, apart from that, there's not much else. It hurt a lot more at the time. What about you, love?"

Alberto smiled at the name "I- I think I'm fine. My stomach hurts, I think there's a cut, but nothing else."

Giulia reappeared, tears falling down her face silently. She quickly got out wipes and cleaned up the mud off of Alberto's face, arms and knees. "Are there at cuts or bruises?" she asked, not looking up.

Alberto lifted his shirt, revealing a bloody cut, about three inches long on his abs. Giulia got out a bottle of something Alberto couldn't see and some cotton balls. "This will sting." she said. Alberto sucked in air through his teeth as she tended to his wound, before putting a sticky bandage on top of it.

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