Chapter 7

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*continuing from where the story left off*


The three went into the kitchen to prepare snacks for their night ahead.

"Ugh, forget this, I am NOT watching a full movie in a corset and heels!' Giulia complained, halfway through frying popcorn 'I'm gonna get changed. Watch the popcorn for me, Luca."
she headed upstairs.

"Honestly, same. I HATE shoes"Alberto said

"I may as well get changed too" Luca shrugged, heading upstairs.

Once Alberto was changed, he went into the bathroom, while he waited for Luca and Giulia to come out of her room.

But as he looked up, entering the room, his eyes fell on a topless Luca."WOAH- SORRY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN GIULIA'S ROOM!" Alberto yelled

"AAH!" Luca screamed , startled, nearly falling behind the shower curtain.

Alberto quickly slammed the door shut, leaving him in the dark hallway. Why was he over-reacting like this?? He'd seen Luca topless when they MET, and he hadn't felt all weird. Of course, then, we were still kids, he thought. Luca was actually a little muscular, too. He hadn't noticed that before.

"WHATS ALL THIS YELLING ABOUT?" Giulia shouted down the hall.

"NOTHING" both boys yelled from either rooms.

Alberto smelt something burning from downstairs. The popcorn. He went back down to the kitchen, where he found the popcorn half burnt in the pan.
"GIULIA! YOUR POPCORN" he yelled up the stairs.

"I thought I told you to keep an eye on it!" She exclaimed, running down the stairs.

"You told Luca to, not me" Alberto answered, holding his arms up defensively.

Giulia scraped the popcorn out the pan and into a bowl "I guess it's salvageable." she sighed.

Luca re appeared downstairs, now in a hoody and shorts. "I thought I told you to watch this while I got changed!" she half yelled at him.

"Whatever' Alberto said, changing the subject 'You guys go get comfortable while I make the hot chocolates." he gestured to the living room

The other two went into the living room, as Alberto prepared their drinks.

He went into the living room, juggling 3 hot cups in his hands, and handing one to Giulia. He plopped down on the couch next to Luca, passing him the cup. Luca took a sip "Ow!' he said 'You didn't tell it'd be boiling!"

"It's called HOT chocolate, man. My apologies for not stating the obvious" he joked

"Whatever" Luca said, pushing his face.
Alberto put an arm round Luca. Giulia got up and went over to the VCR (it's the 1960s for those who forgot) and looked through their options. "How about Singing In The Rain?" she suggested, picking up the tape.

"Sure" Alberto said. Luca only nodded.

She slotted the tape into the machine and jumped back into her armchair. Alberto saw Luca and Giulia get absorbed in the story quickly, where as he couldn't get over the evening's events. First, Luca called him pretty? And BLUSHED? Maybe, maybe Luca felt something for him. Alberto smiled to himself. He decided, from now on, he was going to be bolder and build up to confessing to Luca. And Alberto had walked in on him changing. Obviously, both boys had grown a lot in the 4 years they'd known eachother, but somehow Alberto hadn't realised Luca was so...handsome. He pretty much constantly thought about how cute and pretty Luca was, but he hadn't really seen him as handsome before recently. And hot. Alberto tried to focus on the film, but he found himself staring at Luca, smiling. He felt so lucky. Here he was, only 18 years old, cuddled up next to the man he wanted to marry. He was surprised by that thought. But he was sure of it. He wanted to marry Luca. But he didn't even know if Luca liked boys.

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