Chapter 24

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⚠️this chapter includes alcohol. No one gets seriously drunk and no bad things occur because of it, but Id just thought I'd put a TW :)⚠️

*Alberto pov*

The three had almost no idea about what Saloreni was like, or what attractions it held. They walked around the open squares, looking out for anything that may be of interest to them.

This was the first time Alberto had been into a big city. He had wanted to go and visit Luca desperately in Genova, but Massimo was always needing help fishing and Luca was at school. And in the Christmas break, Giulia and Luc had sometimes come to visit them in Portorosso. So he'd never been anywhere very big. But he liked the vibe of the city. Most people didn't have a car in Portorosso, and only a few had precious Vespas, but here, they were everywhere! A lot of them looked the same, light blue with a slightly rounded shape to them. Giulia explained that they were taxis, which were cars that people would drive you anywhere in the city to for a small fee.

"People usually only use them in business, though. The tram is far cheaper." She added.

And there were so many stores! Selling many things, from dresses (which Alberto thought would suit Luca very well) to toolboxes to fresh bread. And he loved it. It would never compare to Portorosso, of course, but he definitely was enjoying his time here.. even if his reasoning for being here was not exactly fortunate.

As they were walking, he looked down at Luca. Until now, Alberto hadn't noticed the two's height difference. There wasn't a massive, obvious gap, but Luca was about a good 4-5 inches shorter than him.

He let his left hand swing slightly loose, letting it brush against Luca's. Luca looked slightly up at him, smiling. He took his hand as they both focused their eyes on the street ahead.

They soon found a map of the inner city against a pastry shop wall. They all browsed it, searching for something of interest.

"What about the astronomy observatory?" Luca suggested hopefully.

"Ay Luca! Siamo stati in quello di Genova un sacco di volte!" Giulia exclaimed.


"She said you've been to the one in Genova a lot." Alberto explained.

Luca looked at Giulia, rolling his eyes. "But it's so cool! And besides, Albertoooo has never been to one."

"Do you really think he wants to listen to you talk about dwarf planets and kuiper belt objects for 3 hours?"

"..Fine. Any other ideas?"

"Well, I don't about you, but I'm starving. What about we just have a picnic? Pretty sure Alberto's never had one before."

"Just once. When I confessed to Luca.." Alberto said, blushing slightly.

Giulia smirked. "Well, be prepared, because the Marcovaldo picnics are the BEST! And we shall have it in a beautiful park." She announced, getting money out of her wallet and marching towards the food stalls.

"Uh, I'm a Marcovaldo too?" Alberto replied, laughing as he and Luca ran to catch up with her.

Giulia grinned. "Just cmon, help me carry the food."

They ended up buying quite the haul of food. Focaccia bread, cheese, small honey cakes, grapes, nuts, even a authentic Italian pizza, along with a bottle of white wine.

"Are you sure we should get this Guilia? We've only had a few drinks at a time before." (for the Americans worried that they aren't 21, welcome to Europe 😻) Luca said nervously. Alberto had only had a few drinks before himself, but they were much stronger than wine. Massimo would occasionally give him whiskey, which he enjoyed, but that was it.

"It's fine, Luca. I know I can handle it and Im sure Alberto can. Not so certain about you though, lightweight." She laughed.

"Uh, of course I can! Come on, let's just go find a park." Luca replied.

Though Saloreni was busy, it also had big open spaces. They soon found a park over looking a lovely big pond. The leaves on the tress were starting to turn slightly orange, making the park looks pleasant.
Luca had a big scarf in his satchel, which they laid out and sat on. They were all surprisingly hungry, not relaxing it before they sat down. They tucked into the food, only just remembering that they did not get cups for their wine. They shrugged, deciding to drink straight from the bottle. They had a lovely time, eating, laughing, drinking. They had downed about half the bottle between them in 2 hours, and Alberto had started to feel the slightest bit giddy. He wasn't exactly drunk yet, he hadn't ever been before, but he was laughing a little more, leaning against Luca slightly more. Giulia checked her watch, announcing it was 5pm. The sun was going to start setting soon, but none of them minded. They drank a bit more of the bottle, their jokes and conversations making not as much sense as before. They decided to bin the bottle before any of them got properly drunk.

They ambled around the park, feeding the remains of their focaccia bread to the ducks around the pond. At about 6, they started making their way home, as the sun started to slowly dip behind the tall buildings. Luca hailed a taxi for them, asking to be taken to Mr Aldegheri's house, seeing as their house in the woods didn't have an address.

They looked out the windows, watching the city slowly disappear.

"What'd you think of the city, Beto?" Luca asked, giggling a little.

"Very different from Portorosso, but veryy cool. Lots of hot babes for Giulia." He joked.

Giulia pushed him slightly in the seat next to him. "Hey!"

"Yeah, you know Isabella's the only one for her~." Luca chuckled.

"Ok ok, very funny, I made these kind of jokes about you guys, I get it." She sighed, in a exasperated yet happy way.

They soon got to Mr Aldegehri's house. They thanked the taxi driver as Luca paid, before walking the rest of the way up to the cabin.

Once they were back, they all got changed into slightly comfier clothes. It was quite late by now, around 11, (idk what took them this long, but they're kinda drunks so shhh) so they went to bed pretty immediately after the had brushed their teeth and Luca and Giulia had washed their faces (Alberto never understood this, but his skin seemed pretty spot-free without any product, so he didn't feel the need to).

Once Luca and Alberto were in their bed, Luca sat on top of Alberto.

"..Oh?" Alberto replied, smiling.

Luca smiled, before leaning in and grabbing his shirt, kissing him passionately. Alberto tensed for a second, surprised, before kissing back. They stayed like this for a few minutes, before pulling away, admiring each other.

"What was that for?" Alberto asked, grinning.

"Because I love you." Luca stated, smiling.

Alberto felt his heart flip "I love you too."

Luca rolled over next to his boyfriend, cuddling up to him before





i always say sorry for not updating now, so i think you're gonna have to live with the every 10 or so day updates besties, i'm so sorry 😩😩 anyways, here's this for now! im not completely happy with it but it's basically all fluff lol, but i home you enjoy- may :)

Ciao - Luberto Where stories live. Discover now