Chapter 19

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*Giulia's pov:* (first time since chapter 2 :0)

"We.. got distracted."

Giulia's mind froze. Had they.. done it? Her face went pink at the thought. "Oh no no no! Not like that! We were watching Raggaza Mia!" Luca blurted out, going pink aswell.

Giulia couldn't think of what to say. Eventually she said "Um- well, anyway, you still should've packed your bags by now! You've gotta pick carefully what you take, we can take four suitcases, max."

Luca nodded stiffly before walking up the stairs hastily, Alberto following. She pinched the bridge of her nose. Why had that been her first thought? She shook her head, focusing on their plan. She heard giggles upstairs, making her smile. She was so happy for them, but.. they didn't spend as much time with her. Of course, they had every right to spend time alone with each other, but.. what about her? Was she being selfish? No- maybe? No, she wanted- no, needed someone to feel that joy with. To make her light up the way Luca did when Alberto kissed him. Isabella. Oh, Isabella. Giulia longed to see her. She was so close to figuring out if she liked girls. Giulia wasn't openly gay, but she knew most of her friends had figured it out. Should she be happy that Isabella probably knew she was a lesbian? Or horrified? God, she didn't know. She didn't know anything about love. But she strived through her moments of loneliness, always focusing on a task in front of her, in this case, their escape.

She shook her head at herself, and went over the story in her head. She was going to see her friends Tanya and Isabe-. No. Not now. Focus. Tanya and Ellie. Tanya was getting on the train in Genova, and Ellie was getting on in Talorano. She would have their tickets in her hand, ready to be stamped and approved. Their freedom, down to a couple of slips of paper. Luca and Alberto would board the train as she told this rambling story of hers, no one else would be getting the train that early. They'd just have slip in quickly, and they'd been fine. All they could do was pray it didn't rain. And they were set. It was only and hour or so on the train. They'd be fine. They would.

Massimo walked in the door, soaked. Giulia ran up to him and cupped his big hands as best she could.
"Any news, papà?" she asked.

Massimo sighed "A little progress. Polizia from other towns are coming in soon, but the Pellegrini are restricting what news gets in and out, so it's hard to tell people how harsh they are being. But we are getting there, Giulietta."

Giulia smiled at the nickname "Oh! I brought some linguine, I'll make dinner tonight. Trennette El Pesto, just like the old times, eh?" she half joked.

Massimo smiled slightly "Grazie, figlia." He walked up the stairs to his room.


They all ate together, joking around, like the summers before. But it didn't feel staged, it didn't feel forced. Just a family having a mice evening before a trip. That was all it had to be. In simplicity, that's all it was.

Giulia got ready for bed, double checking all the bags before setting her alarm clock for 5:30am. It was only 9pm, but they needed rest before their trip.

She fell asleep to the sound of little clock ticking away on her bed side table.





hehe no you're not done, i just wanted a dramatic pause 😩

*Giulia's pov*

Rrrrrinnnnggg. Giulia smacked the little clock, her eyes bolting open immediately. She heard the boy's one go off seconds later, before she could tell they were shuffling around, getting ready. She jumped up, putting on her plainest and more practical clothes, brushing her hair quickly, before going downstairs to make a simple breakfast. She laid out three plates of bread and jam. She heard the boys come down stairs, their faces solemn but ready. They ate quickly, barely speaking. She turned her head to see her papà standing in the doorway. It was all she could do to stop herself from crying. She wanted to stay so badly. But she knew she should go with them. She wanted him to come. But he had to help. She wanted this to stop. But it wouldn't.

"Ready?" Massimo said.

They all nodded, before picking up their heavybags, looking at the house fondly. So many memories made. But it wasn't like the memories were gone. It was like they were paused. Giulia's smiled at the small house, before turning around to the front door.

They set off, the sky only just light, giving everything an orange effect. Dark, thundery clouds were scattered about the sky, looking threatening.

Before she knew it, they were at the train station, just feet away from where they left and reunited every summer. A place of mostly happy memories, and now they were making one of their saddest here. Giulia turned around, tears uncontrollably spilling down her cheeks. She ran into her father's arms, hugging him so tight her knuckles went white. Alberto joined in hug, slightly shaky as well.

They all broke away, smiling slightly. "State al sicuro, miei bellissimi bambini. Ti amo."

"Anch'io ti amo. Caio, papà." they both whispered. They broke away, walking into the train station. Giulia took two bags, as did the boys. She nodded at them, signalling to not go just yet. She walked up to the front desk, composing herself.

"Buongiorno, signora. I have three tickets to Saloreni."

The lady before the desk took the tickets, looking tired "Where are the other two members of your party?"

"Funny you should ask! Well, my friend Tanya is getting on in Genova, and my friend, Ellie is getting on in Talorano. She has to look after her uncle, you see. Scoliosis." Giulia said loudly, signalling to boys that this was their moment. She was sure the bags would slip out her hands from sweat. "It's funny, she was meant to come here a few days ag-"

"Yeah, yeah I get the idea, unno. No need to hear your life story. " The lady interrupted.

"As you wish." Giulia said, anticipating the tickets being stamped.

The lady peered over the desk. "Those are awful big bags for just one ragazza."

"Oh yeah, got a lot of Tanya's stuff. Leaves things everywhere, the girl!" she chucked nervously.

"Very well. Enjoy your trip, unno." The lady said, stamping the tickets. Giulia's knees went weak with relief, but she stood up straight, clearing her throat.

"Grazie, signora." she said fervently, running onto the train. She checked the little carriage rooms, before finally finding the boys, panting.

"This dude recognised us. We had to run. But I think we're all good." Alberto said.

"So you got the tickets stamped?" Luca asked eagerly.

"Yes, I think I sold the story pretty well."

Luca breathed out, closing his eyes. "Good."

She could hardly believe it, but they'd done it. Successfully escaped. The train whistle was the last thing she heard before she fell into sleep.

AAHHH OK, ENOUGH FOR TODAY! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K READS, AHHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS! also, if there's any little headcannons/minor things you think would be cool little additions to the story, please let me know and i might add it! and give you credits ofc :) eg. Giulia owns a swissarmy knife made with gold. Anyway; things are really getting going! - May :)

Ciao - Luberto Where stories live. Discover now