Chapter 23

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*Luca's pov*

Luca was steadily improving, and soon felt recovered enough to help Giulia and Alberto's with day to day tasks. He was sweeping the floors in the early morning, before the other two had awoken. He put the radio on quietly, just relaxed Italian chatter. He looked out the window, watching the sun creep through the trees. He stepped outside. Despite it being September, it was unusually warm, so he could stay outside in his pyjama t shirt and shorts with out shivering. If he listened, really listened, he could hear the faint sound of the city. He hasn't actually been into Saloreni since they're arrival, and neither had Alberto or Giulia. Maybe that could be what he did today. After all, there wasn't exactly much to do when you were living in a forest. He sighed happily, before turning on his heel and walking back inside. He turned the radio up a fraction, before starting on some fried eggs for the three of them on the stove.

"God, how do you get up so early?"

Luca screamed, startled, almost falling backwards with his box of eggs. When he focused his eyes, he saw a sleepy- but amused- Giulia, standing in front of him, her red hair proofed up around her shoulders.

"You scared the living daylight out of me, Giulia!" he exclaimed, cracking the eggs into the pan.

"Sorry." She chuckled. "But seriously dude, it's like 7 in the morning."

Luca simply shrugged "I don't know. I guess from my endless days of resting I have a lot of energy."

Giulia shook her head, not accepting the fact before yawning and going to get ready. Luca continued frying the eggs, his full concentration on them. Just as he had finished dishing them onto plates and starting on the espresso did he hear Alberto shuffle down the ladder.

"Good morning." Luca smiled, putting the plates onto their precarious wooden table.

"Gmmornin" Alberto mumbled, resting his head on Luca's shoulder.

Luca pulled away, examining him. He had dark circles under his eyes. "Didn't you sleep?"

"Yeah, but I kept waking up, I was having.. crazy dreams." Alberto replied, blinking heavily, forcing himself awake.

"Well, get this down you." Luca said, passing his boyfriend a espresso cup before kissing his cheek. Alberto smiled, sitting down at the table.

Giulia re-appeared, her hair now taimed and in some light coloured dungarees. She say down at the table, immediately tucking into her eggs.

"What do you guys have to do today?" Giulia queried between mouthfuls.

"Uh, just chop some more wood and clean the fire grate." Alberto replied, his mouth full.

"I already finished everything, but I was thinking of maybe going into Saloreni today? We haven't seen it since we arrived here, and it looks really beautiful."

"I don't see why not." Giulia shrugged "I'll come with you, I cannot go another day sweeping the floors, cooking, dusting, yadayadayada." she says, rolling here eyes "You coming, Al?"

"I'll do my chores first, catch up with you after?"

Giulia nodded, before getting up and taking their plates to the sink and going back up to her room. Luca got up and hugged Alberto, flopping on him.
"Hey hey, you okay?" Alberto said, hugging back.

"Yeah yeah, I just needed a hug is all." Luca smiled, kissing Alberto's head.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Luca pointed out he'd need to get ready in order to go into the city. He went upstairs and changed into some sage green shorts and baggy brown jumper - though what he needed to take with him here needed to be practical, he like to keep it stylish~. He brush out his hair, fluffing it up before brushing his teeth and grabbing a satchel.

He and Giulia set off down the steep road, chatting about anything and everything.

"No but seriously dude, I swear I saw a deer yesterday! Those red ones they told us about in biology." Giulia exclaimed, her red hair bobbing around her forearms.

"U-huh, sure. If you're so sure, you gotta show me next time you see one."

By this point, they were reaching the outskirts of the city. Mr Aldegehri had said it was only a 10 minute drive, but the two felt like some fresh air and exercise was greatly needed.

Luca smiled as they got further into the city, closing his eyes. The smooth motor of the cars, buskers with an array of instruments, people chattering and market sellers calling out made him feel like he was back in Genova. It was practically his home, and he loved it dearly, despite being away from Alberto for those long, long months.

They continued walking into a market, which was truly beautiful, Giulia grabbing Luca's arm, pointing at all the pretty stalls.

They walked up to a stall selling little glass and wooden animals, run by a kind looking elderly man.

"Care to buy anything, cari?" he asked them.

"I think so. These are very beautiful, signore." Giulia replied.

"Thank you! There are matching couple sets, if you'd like them. You two are just lovely together." he smiled, pointing at little couples of various animals.

Luca's eyes widened, the two turned to face each other, before bursting out laughing, clutching onto each other. They stifled their laughs as to not be rude, before Luca explained, "That's very kind of you, sir, but we aren't together."

"My apologies! You must have a very close friendship. One to cherish." he replied kindly.

Luca ended up buying a small wooden squirrel, and Giulia a little red glass elephant.

They continued looking around the market, when suddenly, out of pure luck, they spotted an extremely confused looking Alberto.

"Al!! Over here! You good?" Giulia's shouted as they walked over to him.

"I've been trying to find you guys for half an hour!! I had no idea where you'd gone!" he exclaimed.

"Sorry!" Luca apologised quickly "We kind of thought we'd just spot you!"

"Which we did." Giulia added.

Alberto chuckled lightly, "Whatever, c'mon, let's go explore."

..heyyy😃.. did you miss me? i'm back!! this book went up 1k reads without me and adding ANYTHING! honestly, i love you guys so much. new update should be soon! -may :)

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