Chapter 14

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*Alberto's pov*

Alberto awoke on Giulia's bedroom floor, slightly disheveled and confused, before remembering yesterday's events. He was glad they had a fun night, despite the doom and gloom before hand. He peered at Luca, who was pretty much on top of him. He smiled at his sleepy face. There was still a big bruise just underneath Luca's eye. It looked very sore, he'd noticed Luca wince a few times yesterday when he so much as blinked.

He stroked Luca's face with his thumb, before he heard a giggle, unsurprisingly coming from Giulia.
She was propped up on her elbows, smirking at him.

"Damn, you've fallen harddd." Giulia laughed.

Alberto's expression was a mixture of embarrassment and frustration "Good morning to you too." he said pointedly, facing her.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not like he hasn't as well."she continued, as if she hadn't heard him "I remember when he told me he loved you. It was during Christmas break, we were watching the snow fall, on top of my mamà's roof. We weren't really talking, just sitting there watching the snow, taking it all in. And he just said suddenly- out of know where- "I think I'm in love with Alberto." It was so out of the blue! But also very cute, he was all flushed and stuff. I told my mamà, much to Luca's protesting. But it was cute! The way he smiled when he spoke to you on the phone, he even made sure she looked nice when he called you, even though you couldn't see him." she chuckled.

Alberto smiled at his boyfriend, feeling like squealing. "I'm so glad he does love me." he said after a small pause "When- when I told him, I was literally stuttering very word I said. I was such a mess! But think about it, imagine if he said no! It would be so humiliating." Alberto exclaimed.

"Don't think for a second that I wouldn't love you, Beto." Alberto turned his to see Luca fully awake, still on top of Alberto but his arms crossed on Alberto's chest, with his head resting on them.

"How much of that did you hear..?" Alberto asked.

"When Giulia last spoke. About when I told her I love you. You made me sound like such a dork!" he said, looking at her.

"That's because you are one, voi piccolo nerd." she teased.

"I'm the one that fights with Giulia, relax you two. Luca, how is your eye?" Alberto said, before Luca could retaliate.

"It's ok.. it could use a kiss though."

"If you insist ;)" Alberto smiled, kissing Luca's cheek, nose, forehead, chin. Luca giggled, pushing him away.

Giulia made wrenching noises, covering her ears with her pillow.

"Stop acting like a kindergartener, Giuls." Alberto smirked.

"As long as you keep your gooey love stuff AWAY from my bedroom! You have a perfectly good room to do what we you wish in" she protested.

Alberto went bright red "GIULIA! YOU PICCOLA MERDA!"

"No swearing! Papà will hear you" Giulia scolded.

"Whatever" Alberto said, rolling his eyes "Let's get some breakfast."

They all set about getting changed before heading downstairs. As Alberto got changed, Luca turned around picking out his clothes.

Just as Alberto pulled his top off, Luca turned around, seeing him shirtless.

"S-sorry! I thought you'd be done my now." he exclaimed, turning around. Alberto smiled, before giving him a surprise hug from behind.

"You know I'd never mind, ragazzo carino." he whispered in his ear, making Luca shudder slightly.

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