Chapter 26

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hey guys! :) i feel like last chapter didn't have a ton to it and i wasn't a big fan of it, so i wanted to spice up the book and add this chapter :0 2 chapters in two days?? enjoy!

This chapter includes angst❗️
*The next day*

Luca POV

Luca awoke, for the first time in a while, spooning Alberto. It was usually the other way round, but Luca knew his boyfriend loved to be held all the same. He went on to do what he did every few mornings, which consisted of quickly getting dressed and eating some breakfast before brushing his teeth and heading to the large pond further into the forest.

Once he reached it, Luca stripped to his shorts and dived in. Without this body of water, Luca would dislike this place far more. It was the only spot where he could really be in his true form. He relaxed as water filled his gills, the change overtaking him completely. He twirled around in the water, before popping his head back up, taking a look at the surface, shaking the extra water off his scale-hair.
He looked around, taking in his surrounds for the millionth time. The beauty of an Italian forest in fall is truly breathtaking. Luca was lucky to sometimes see hares, eagles and sometimes even brown bares and lynxs. At this particular time in the morning, only the hares were really up and moving, but they mostly stayed hidden inside the greenery, rustling. Luca tried to eye some, looking at a particular shrub they usually holed up in.

"Ecollo, ___ stagno."

Luca heard someone whisper something in a ragged, mean voice. It was Italian, and he didn't hear all of what was said, but it did not sound friendly. He quickly got out of the water, shaking off his sireno form as fast as possible, pulling his shirt on and walking away at a fast pace.

Who was that? It sounded like a gruff, male voice. Could it be... someone from Portorosso? No. No. They were so far away. They couldn't have been found. It was virtually impossible. It was probably a bird watcher or something, or just someone strolling through a.. rural forest in virtually the middle of nowhere. These thoughts swirled around Luca's head as he made his way back. He quickly opened the door of the familiar lodge and shut it hastily.

Alberto and Giulia were already at the table, eating toast lazily. Luca sat down silently and stared into space.

"..Luca? Are you okay? You've gone as white as a sheet.." Giulia peered at him, concerned.

"I-, I saw.. someone," He replied hesitantly.

"..Someone? Who? Did you see what they looked like?" Alberto asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I..I don't know, but it sounded like tough man. I think he said something like 'there it is?' I- I don't know I could just been making stuff up."

"..It- could be someone strolling through the forest?" Giulia said, her voice a little higher than usual.

"Giulia, we are staying in a wood cabin in the rural parts of Italy with the closet small city 8 miles away. Ive seem about 3 people collectively walk through the forest. This person is probably here for a..purpose, though.."

"..Like finding us?" Luca said hoarsely. He could feel the dread sink into the other two as he said it.

"No. No. But we hid you- us, so well. No one could've found us."

"Unless they did." Alberto said, staring at his lap.

"I'm sorry." Luca whispered "If I hadn't gone to the pond we wouldn't be worrying."

"Don't be sorry, Luca. None of this is your fault. Not Alberto's. Not mine. People hunting you down is not your fault."

It hit Luca like a punch to the stomach, but it was true. They were being hunted down. To be captured. Taken. Sold. Separated.

"Well, we don't know for certain that anyones.. coming for us, but we need to stay alert. Get on with our chores.. but be wary. Keep your pocketknives on you." Alberto said, somewhat firmly. A side of him Luca had barely seen.

TW!! slight mention of t*rture

The three went on with their daily tasks. For Alberto, these were chopping wood, cleaning dishes and (once discussed with everyone) fixing an extra lock in the door. For Giulia, these were sweeping the cabin, collecting their food parcels and cleaning the windows. And Luca, tidying the house, cleaning the fire grate and helping Giulia with the windows as it was a two man job. But nobody felt at ease. As Luca cleaned the fireplace, he replayed scenarios in his mind of what could happen if they were found. Giulia was arrested. They were all separated. And the two sirenos. What would they do to them? Sell them? ..Eat them? Enslave them? He didn't want to know. But that didn't stop his brain replaying over and over what could happen.

While eating their broth at dinner, the three agreed that there should always be at least one person in the house at all times. They rarely left the forest, only to go to Mr Aldegehri's once or twice a week or into Saloreni, so this wouldn't be difficult. They were all fairly silently before retiring to bed.

"Luca?" Alberto whispered into his boyfriends hair, once they were in bed.


"..What do you think will happen if we.. get found?"

"..I- I think we'd be.. sold. But I can endure whatever they put in front of us. I just- if it's not with you, I don't know what I'll do.."

"I will not let them take you, Luca. I will go through any amounts of pain to stay with you. You are my light. I- I cannot lose you."

"I can't lose you either, tesoro. Ti amo."

"Anch'io ti amo."

And with that, they fell into sleep.


Ciao - Luberto Where stories live. Discover now