Chapter 8

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*Luca's pov*

Luca couldn't sleep. He turned over to see Alberto's sleeping face. He couldn't believe he came out to him, but hearing that Alberto also liked guys gave him confidence, though he was still worried Alberto would think him weird all the same. But he was glad he did it. He felt so loved, knowing that all the Marcovaldos accepted him. He was so nervous telling Giulia back in Genova, even though she said it was obvious. Oh God, Giulia had nearly spilled everything to Alberto. He covered his face with his hands, recalling the nights events. And now Alberto thought he liked someone in Genova, great. If Giulia wasn't there, he might've even confessed his feelings. But now it was all complicated. And Alberto said he'd come back to the subject? How did he explain he didn't like anyone in Genova? That'd narrow down the possibilities quickly, as the only guy Luca knew well at all on Portorosso was Alberto.

"Luca?" he heard Alberto say, jolting slightly, startled by the sudden break in silence. He took his hands off his face, turning to look at Alberto.

"Yes?" he replied quietly.

"Are you okay? You looked kind of stressed."

"Oh- yeah, I'm ok. Thanks."

"Are you sure? You know you can say whatever to me, right?" Alberto said cupping Luca's face with his hand. Luca blushed in the darkness.

Luca sighed lightly "Well, I guess I feel weird. You know, about liking guys and stuff? There was only 2 people in Genova like that, at least that I knew of. And they were constantly bullied, sometimes them and their families got threatened. One of them, my classmate Leo, he got sent to hospital, someone beat him up really bad."

"What?! That's horrible!" Alberto exclaimed.

"Yeah' Luca said quietly "That's why I only told Giulia. And her mom. I- I was already being made fun of, because I wore skirts, so if ever said anything about being gay, I'd be doomed." his voice cracked slightly.

"You were BULLIED? And you never said ANYTHING on the phone? I would've come to straight to Genova and beat those bitches up myself! Alberto half-shouted.

Luca laughed, wrapping his arms around Alberto's stomach, hugging him tight. "You're so sweet, Beto" he said.

"Yeah, yeah" Alberto said, ruffling Luca's hair.

"Anyway' he said, breaking away 'Now I- I don't think I can ever tell my parents. My granma, maybe- but my parents think so much of me. I got good grades, I helped out on the farm, I won multiple things. But-' he teared up '-what if this changes everything? What if they never want to speak to me again? What if they kicked me out? I- I can't even imagine." he started crying.

"Oh, Luca!' Alberto hugged him, letting Luca cry into his chest. "I'm sure they'd love you just the same! And even if they didn't, don't think for a second that we wouldn't be here to welcome and accept you. I'm always by your side, never forget that."

Lord, Luca was so in love with him. "How do you always know exactly what to say?" Luca laughed shakily into Alberto's chest.

"Because I know you well, Luca Paguro. You're my best friend." Alberto said, tilting Luca's chin up to face him.

Luca felt his heart sink slightly when he said 'best friend'. But Alberto's words still comforted him nonetheless.

"And you're mine too." Luca smiled.

There was a short pause "Have you told Massimo yet?" Luca asked.

"What, about being bisexual? Actually, he asked me first, wondering if I was gay' Alberto chuckled 'I told him that I liked girls and boys, and he was totally chilled about it. Which I was really glad about, I was so anxious at the idea of telling him."

"Aw, that's sweet." Luca said quietly.

"Hey, you still haven't told me who you liked! Was it a guy in Genova? Am I right?" Alberto said giddily.

It's not any of you business" Luca whined, looking over at Alberto.

"I'm just gonna guess it is then! Is it your friend, Matteo, the one you told me about on the phone

"What? No! Not Matteo!" Luca laughed

"Who then?" Alberto asked

"Do you like anyone?" Luca said, prodding Alberto's shoulder. (just pretend they say up somewhere in this conversation.)

"Uh- well that- that's for me to know and you to find out" Alberto said. He sounded flustered.

"Hey, you do like someone! Who? Guido? Mariana?
The gelato shop girl? Ciccio?" Luca guessed

"I never even said if I liked anyone!" Alberto said, holding his hands up defensively.

"Well, do you?"

Alberto hesitated "-Yes." Luca felt ecstatic.

"I knew it!" Luca exclaimed.

"But now it is time to sleep, it's like, what- 2am?"

"Fine. Goodnight, Beto."

"Goodnight, tesoro."

A/N: I wrote this at 1am so sorry if this is shit. Anyways I have a new phone! Hopefully I'll update a bit more often. Thank you some much for 304 reads!! Love yall. Have a good new year! - May

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