Chapter 20

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*Luca's pov*

Luca and Alberto had made it onto the train with surprising ease, quickly followed by Giulia. They plopped down in a carriage, catching their breath. The train left almost as soon as they were on board. Luca looked out the window, the sun only just rising.

"I can't believe we did that." Luca breathed.

"Neither can I." Alberto said

Giulia started snoring loudly, making him giggle. He scooted over to Alberto, laying his head on his shoulder. His boyfriend's tight curls had grown a little bit, tickling his face slightly.

"Your hair has grown." Luca said.

"Hm?" Alberto asked, snapping out of a day dream.

"Your hair's grown." he repeated.

"Ah, yes I should've cut it a while ago. Shame we didn't bring scissors with us."

"Giulia brought some, though I don't know what we'd need them for."

"I don't think I trust Giulia to cut my hair" Alberto chuckled.

"I don't think you should cut it." Luca smiled, looking up at him "I like how it's a bit fluffy."

"Then I shall keep it that way, caro." Alberto smiled "I was thinking of growing it into a man bun earlier this year, but it ended up spiking up in random places." Alberto laughed lightly.

"You'd look like Mr Argosto." Luca chuckled.

They sat in silence for a bit, admiring the sunrise outside. It was an array of orange, pinks and yellows, giving the carriage a slight glow. It made Alberto's eyes dazzle, Luca thought.

"..How long do you think.. this.. will go on for?" Luca asked after a minute of silence.

"Who knows. I guess it depends if they..spread? To other towns?" Luca shuddered at the thought, as Alberto continued "I doubt they will though. Portorosso is like, a gold mine for sea folk, but not many other towns have opened up to the idea.
But I don't think this last more than.. a year?"

Luca felt like he had been winded "A.. year?" he breathed. He thought they would stay there for a couple of months, maximum. A whole year? God knows what could happen to his parents in that time.

"They will be okay." Alberto said, grabbing Luca's hands. It was like he had read his mind "This isn't anything they can't handle."

"My mother certainly wouldn't go without putting up a fight." Luca smiled lightly "I..I think they'll be ok, but,, it's the uncertainty, you know?"

Alberto nodded, before laying his head on top of Luca's. Luca felt his eyes grow heavy, and soon he was asleep.


"Luca, wake up."

Luca opened his eyes, disoriented. He expected to be back in Alberto's room, yet here he was in a train carriage? Luca soon remembered what was going on and shook off the sleep.


"We need to get off the train, dude. This is it. Saloreni." Giulia replied, getting their cases from the overhead compartments.

Luca jumped to his feet to help, nearly pulling a suitcase down onto him, but Alberto caught it in the nick of time.

They juggled their suitcases, getting off the train and onto the platform. It was a relief to be away from the Pellegrinis, but they couldn't relax just yet. They had to find Mr Aldegehri. He agreed to meet them right there on the platform, but Giulia was the only one who and they faintest idea of what he looked like.

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