Chapter 25- The Haircut

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Alberto POV

Alberto woke up to the sound of birds chirping slightly too loudly. He gingerly opened his eyes to a much too bright day. His head was slightly sore too. And his mouth dry. Lovely. A hangover. At least not a bad one, he thought as he looked over to Luca, who was still asleep, his fluffy bed head poking out from under the duvet. He smiled, before drinking some water beside his bed and snuggling down again, wrapping his arms around Luca's stomach. He put his face into Luca's hair, taking i the scent that made his knees weak. Luca's scent. He couldn't quite describe it, or pinpoint it, but it had a somewhat sweetness about it. And be adored it.

He decided to get up and take some aspirin to ease his head. On his way back upstairs, he knocked on the door that was placed along the thin wall between the two bedrooms and stuck his head round Giulia's door.

"Oh, good morning." Giulia said once she saw him.

"Hey. You feeling okay this morning?"

Giulia propped herself up on her elbows, yawning "Uh, yeah, I think I am. What 'bout you?"

"I'm fine, have a small headache and my mouth is dry as hell but it's whatever."

"That's what drinking half a bottle of wine does to you." Giulia chuckled, getting up.

She reached up and ruffled Alberto's curls, "You're hairs getting kind of long." She remarked, before heading downstairs.

It was true. Alberto's hair had never been long, but it was certainly getting there. It was growing thicker and slightly further in length at the back, but the front stayed virtually the same, tall curls that fell very slightly toward at the front.


Alberto felt his heart jumped as he gasped, before turning to see Luca standing behind him.

"Good morning to you too," He replied, chuckling as he hugged Luca.

"My throat hurtsss." Luca croaked slightly into the crook of Alberto's neck. Alberto felt the vibrations of his voice.

"Again, tesoro?" He replied, stroking Luca's hair.

"Mm. I'll be fine though." He said, clearing his throat as he went down the stairs with Alberto.

The three sat eating their toast and sipping their espresso in a comfortable silence. Giulia was browsing a newspaper while the other two ate.

"How do you think I'd look with a ponytail?" Alberto queried, breaking the silence.

Giulia, rather unhelpfully burst in to laughter, while Luca replied with a "Mm, no.", tilting his head and smiling slightly.

"Really?? I though it'd look cool."

"You could match with Giulia," Luca laughed.

Giulia stopped laughing for a moment, hitting Luca in the arm "Hey! This style suits me much better that it would him. It takes a lot of work to look this good." She joked.

"What should I do with it then? It's at a really awkward length now."

"I could cut it for you?" Giulia suggested, smiling and she propped her chin up with one hand.

"Hmm, I don't think I  can trust you, sorella. I call you and Luca to do it as a joint effort."

Luca looked slightly taken aback at this "B-but Ive never cut anyones hair before??"

"It's fine! How much worse looking can he get, hey?" Giulia said, earning a chuckle from Luca.

"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Giulia pleaded Luca, her hands clasped together.

"Hm..okay. But you better knwo what you're doing. I could end up with a half bald boyfriend."

"Well, you never know~" Giulia giggled, going back upstairs to get ready.


Once they were all ready, Giulia promptly sat Alberto down on a chair and made him a makeshift barbers gown made by several dish towels.

"Right then, fratello, what do you want to be done to your hair today?"

"Just to how it was before, please. Shorter at the back."

"Right," Giulia said, going in with her sicsoslrs before freezing. "What.. what was that like exactly..?"
She asked sheepishly.

Alberto turned around to face her "Seriously??"

"What?! It's not like I pay attention to your looks!"

"Dio mio, Giulia." Alberto sighed, turning back around in his chair.

"I remember." Luca said, gesturing his hand for the scissors. "I think I might be able to do it."

Giulia handed them to him "Be my guest."

Luca got to work. Alberto could feel the hair falling the back of his head, snipping away, panic slightly taking over him. If Luca gave him a bad haircut, he might not be interested in him anymore. He wasn't a bad looking person, Alberto knew that, but his hair was one of his most defining features. And Luca had never done this before. Maybe this was a bad idea? He should've just let it grow out, despite Luca and Giulia's comments. He should've just left it do its own thing. Why on earth did he ask then to cut it?

"Woah! How did you do that, Luca??"

Giulia handed Alberto a hand mirror, to which he held behind his head and looked in the mirror that was already in front of him. Luca had done a surprisingly good job, it looked shorter, it looked even, and it looked good.

"I-I don't know! I guessed I just kinda.. looked at Alberto a lot.. uhm, what do you think, Berto?"

"I love it! I had no idea you have such a skill for hair cutting. Does it look okay?" Alberto asked, standing up in front of the two.

"Good." Giulia said, kind of matter-of-factly.

"I-it- you look good." Luca stammered, pink tainting his cheeks. Alberto smirked.

"Luca and Alberto sittin' in a tree, K - I - S - S - I - N - G- ooft." She sang, before getting slapped lightly on the cheek by her loving brother. Luca covered his face with his hands.

"Thank you both of you. Especially Luca." Alberto smiled, before heading to make lunch.

OK NEW CHAPTER!! I found out the other day that the Luca trailer premiered over a year ago </3 i can't believe it's been that long!! praying my bbys come back in a sequel 🙏 hope u are all happy and well! - may <3

Ciao - Luberto Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon