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Han-seo shifted on the ground, trying to get up. Y/N immediately stumbled from the couch, falling onto the carpet.


Suddenly the only thing that was heard in the room was a gun clicking.

"Don't fucking move."

Han-seok pointed the gun at Y/N, watching her. Han-seo was already on his knees, crawling behind the column that was standing in the room, out of fear of Han-seok. Han-seok stood up walking to Y/N, he sat down on the coach, with her on the carpet in between his legs. Out of nowhere Vincenzo rushed into the room, when he saw Y/N he immediately ran towards her, but Han-seok quickly pointed the gun at him. The room was filled with intense silence.

"The picture...It was shocking, right?"

Y/N looked at Han-seok not understanding what he meant. Vincenzo sighed.

"You are worser than I thought. You abducted your brother and the woman you love too?"

"A rat who is about to be devoured by a cat has no rules."

"Do you think you'll live if you kill everyone here."

"Right. The Mafia always has backup."

"Think carefully. Whatever you do you'll die."

The conversation was going back and forth between Han-seok and Vincenzo.

"Even if I do, I want to see you die first."

Han-seok stood up, he picked a hockey stick walking around Y/N, throwing it to Han-seo, the gun still pointed at Vincenzo.

"Pick it up, Han-seo."

Han-seo looked at him in shock not picking up the stick.

"Pick it up!"

He shot next to Han-seo, who folded his arms over his head, falling to the ground. Han-seo let out a whimper quickly grabbing the stick while trembling and hyperventilating. Y/N heart was breaking from the sight.

"Chairman Jang. Beat him to death with it and I will spare you."

Han-seo looked at him in shock.


"Not only will I spare your life, but I'll also give you all of Babel."

Y/N quickly got up as good as she could raising her arm to give Han-seok a slap. But he caught her arm twisting it, which made Y/N cry out in pain, falling to the ground again, with Han-seok following her. Vincenzo took some steps into their direction but Han-seok pointed the gun back at him, grinning. He grabbed Y/N neck, making her look up at him.

"Your cry's remind me of our sex, baby. Am I right, Vincenzo? The things I'll do to you when this is over."

Suddenly Vincenzo sank to the ground.

"Leave her out of this. I'll do anything."

Han-seok just watched Vincenzo in amusement. Until Han-seo spoke up.

"If I kill Vincenzo, will you really let me live?"

"Of course. You're my brother, after all."

Han-seo slowly stood up, trembling.

"I'm sorry...Mr. Cassano."

Vincenzo looked at him smiling.

"It's ok. You have no other choice."

"I'll make a decision I won't regret."

Han-seo walked forward and started to aim for Vincenzo but instead turned to Han-seok hitting him with the stick. Han-seok fell to the ground starting to dodge the other kicks from Han-seo, shooting at him. Y/N wanted to get in between but Vincezo quickly grabbed her, taking her with him. A gun shot. A red stain started to spread on Y/N dress. Han-seok and Vincenzo both standing a meter away from her looking at her in shock. Y/N looked down at her stomach and back at Han-seok, who had his gun pointed at her.


Barely a whisper, but Han-seok already rushed towards her, grabbing her in her fall. Vincenzo wanted to help too, but was only stopped by Han-seok, who pointed the gun at him. The gun clicked but nothing happened, Han-seok was out of bullets.


Vincenzo immediately grabbed Han-seo, they got out onto the balcony escaping, before the guards even started rushing in. Han-seok was kneeling on the floor with Y/N in his arms, completely forgetting the world around him.


Han-seok put pressure on her wound, a tear rolling down his face.

"Shh. It's okay. Just hold on. I'm so sorry."

When Y/N started closing her eyes Han-seok turned to his guards.

"Call the fucking ambulance, right now!"

When Y/N opened her eyes again, she found herself in a private hospital room. Han-seok was sitting next to her, his head laying on her bed, sleeping peacefully. Y/N watched him, carefully stroking his face. He looked so different when he was sleeping, so pure. Han-seok suddenly shifted, waking up. He looked at Y/N, sadly smiling at her.

"Does it hurt?"

"Now I know what it feels like...to get shot."

Han-seok took her hand into his, looking down.

"I'm sorry Y/N."

"Thank you."

He looked at her confused. Y/N slightly stroke his hand.

"Thank you for letting them go."

Han-seok just nodded looking down.


He looked at her.


"Let's leave."

He smiled at her, kissing her hand.

"Let's do that. I just need to take care of some things and then I'll come back and we will leave, alright?"


He stood up giving Y/N one last kiss on her forehead before leaving.

The next day Y/N was watching TV, when the news came on.

"Around 3:30pm today, Chief Prosecutor Han Seung-hyuk was attacked by two men and died in front of the Namdongbu Prosecutor's Office. The police are tracking down the van that the two men disappeared in. Based on the CCTV camera footage and the witness statements, the police are..."


Y/N immediately called Han-seok.

"What are you doing Han-seok?"

"Nothing. Just give me a bit more time and then I'll get you."

Y/N wanted to say something, but he already hung up.


Time started to go by extremely slowly that day, it was dark already and jet there was no sign of Han-seok. Deep down Y/N knew what must have happened. She took out her phone, going through her contacts, she stopped at Vincenzo, clicking on the call button.

"Where is he?"

Y/N slowly got out of the bed and made her way out of the hospital. The nurses tried to stop her but she did not care. Outside of the hospital she got herself a cab. After an hour she stood in front of an abandoned warehouse, making her way inside, not knowing what she would expect.


Suddenly she saw Han-seok tied to a chair, he did not seem to be moving, so Y/N quickly rushed to him.


When she reached him he looked horrible, he had blood everywhere, was nearly dead and had a drill stabbed into his heart.


She did not know what to do.


He was alive. Tears ran down Y/N face, she gently stroke his hair, looking into his eyes.

"I love you so much Han-seok."

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