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Y/N phone rang.

"Hello? Y/N here, what can I do for you?"
her voice was soft and tired.

"You do know what times it is, right?"

Y/N looked at the time on her phone and shot up from her bed, running to her bathroom.

„Shit I'm so sorry Han-seo. I'll be at the office in 20min."

Jang Han-seo who was currently sitting in his office smiled. When they were out yesterday Han-seo knew she would oversleep if they were out longer. So he kept her out as long as possible, just so he could call her in the morning.

"Im waiting for you."

A soon as Han-seo finished his sentence
Y/N hung up,  packed everything she needed into her bag and got ready for work.

Ten minutes later she ran out onto the streets waving for an uber. Her heels were clicking on the ground and her hair was waving in the wind, in her hand she held her bag and two mugs of coffee. When Y/N walked through the streets men were always turning their heads. It didn't take long and an uber was already parking for her. She got into the car, instantly telling the driver her destination.
"Babel please, as fast as possible."
He nodded and drove of as soon as she closed the door. Y/N couldn't help but feel awkward from the looks she constantly got from him through the mirror.

After 10min Y/N looked out of the window seeing her work place. She quickly gave the driver the money and jumped out of the car again, rushing towards the entrance of the Babel tower.

After five more minutes she was knocking at the door from Han-Seo's office. A dull answer came from the other side of the door "Come in." .

Y/N walked in rushing towards the desk where Han-seo sat. As she was about to put the coffee mugs on the desk Han-seo stood up.
"Take them with you."

Y/N was confused "Excuse me?"
Han-seo glanced at her "We have an appointment at Babel Pharmaceuticals."
"Who made that appointment?"
He looked away "Me."
Y/N studied him turning her head to the side, she felt how uncomfortable he was and already knew something was up.
"What is it about?"
Han-seo quickly looked back at her, uncomfortably shifting and moving from behind his desk towards the door.
"You will see."

Y/N didn't hesitate and caught him at the right side of the table. Han-seo stopped right in front of her, which led to them being extremely close. She quietly observed Han-seo, who just held his breath, looking directly into her eyes. Then she started fixing his tie, Han-seo couldn't quit get the situation, so he just stood there watching her. When she was done they stood in silence for a while, until  Y/N broke it. "When will you tell me who the real chairman is Jang Han-seo?"

Han-seo looked down at her, while she just observed his face, which held a shocked expression. He pushed her shoulder, while passing her "Come on."

Y/N head fell, she bit her lips and sighted out of concern.

The appointment at Babel Pharmaceuticals went well, except nobody really knew what exactly Han-seo wanted from them and why he decided to be more involved.

Y/N who couldn't really help Han-seo, because she didn't know what he wanted, excused herself and went to the bathroom.
The main reason was, that it took a long way to get there and she wanted to miss as much of the awkward conversation as possible.

When she passed a corner she bumped into something hard. Y/N was really small, so the only thing she saw was a white shirt with a plaid blue tie. The guy she bumped into had broad shoulder and was extremely tall.
She slowly looked up and realized, that he was already studying her. Y/N couldn't stop analyzing him either, he had short brown hair with locks, that didn't seem to fit him.
His hair made his face look chubby, but she could clearly see his jawline. Y/N had a weird feeling about him.
When she realized what actually was going on, she quickly came back to reality.
"I'm really sorry."

He couldn't stop looking at her and her voice made her even more interesting. The men let his head fall to the side still keeping eye contact.
"You shouldn't. This is a pleasure."

She walked past him not breaking eye contact

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She walked past him not breaking eye contact. "I...I really have to go, sorry."

The men did not answer and just kept studying her. Y/N felt weird and quickly turned around walking towards the bathroom, shaking her head. Something like this wasn't new to her, there where a lot of men who acted like that around her, she just thought that it was weird, how she couldn't keep her eyes of him.

After the appointment Han-seo walked out of Babel Pharmaceuticals with a bunch of employees behind him and Y/N at the very back, who was answering a call. When they reached the street a woman started running towards Han-seo. "Hello, sir."

Han-Seo had an annoying expression. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lawyer Hong Cha-Young from Law Firm Wusang, in charge of the Babel lawsuit."

The moment Han-seo turned to Y/N to help him out, she was already rushing towards him.
"Sir, I just got a call, we have to be at the bank in 15min they want to talk about the Babel..."

When Y/N stood next to Han-seo the only thing she saw, was the the men from before, that now stood next to Hong Cha-Young.
Y/N felt that his manners had changed from when they were alone, but quickly directed her attention to Han-seo, who she realized was trying to escape this conversation.
So the only thing she could do was do her job.
"Hello Miss, I'm Jang Han-seo's secretary. We currently have little to no time..."
Y/N started digging in her bag to get her purse out, while Han-seo and all the employee's already started walking towards their cars, Han-seo being relieved that Y/N took over.

"...so if you need anything just contact us and we'll make an appointment."
Y/N gave Hong Cha-Young Han-seo's business card and smiled. When she looked at the men, which was probably Cha-Young's trainee she saw him sharply glancing after Han-seo.
He realized, that she caught him and gave her a weird smile.
Y/N quickly bowed and followed Han-seo to his car, not being able to get the trainee out of her head.

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