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They were all gathered at the end of the table. Han Seung Hyuk bowed in front of Jang Joon-woo.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please forgive me for my transgressions."

Joon-woo drank water from a glass, chuckling.

"It's ok. I had fun."

He turned to Han-seo, grabbing his neck in a harder way than it was meant to be.

"Didn't you?"

Joon-woo looked at Y/N both of them staring at each other. Han-seo nervously chuckled.

"Of course. It felt like I was on a roller coaster every day."

Joon-woo grinned at her turning back to the others.

"Sit down."

He sat down on the chair Han-seo always sat in and they instantly followed his actions. When Joon-woo asked Han Seung Hyuk a question he started blabbering nonsense, to which even Choi Myeonghui rolled her eyes. Joon-woo on the other hand was enjoying the whole situation.

"Come on. Just be yourself."

He hit the table with his feet, making them jump. Y/N could see that they all were scared of him and did not see this coming.
There was an awkward silence until Han-seo turned to Han Seung Hyuk.

"From now on, give him the respect he deserves as the chairman. And keep it a secret. Ahh...Y/N please go get a new glass of water."

Han-seo turned to her giving her alarmed eyes. She bowed and started walking.


She stopped in her track's, slowly turning to Joon-woo, who was already giving her an amused stare.

"You will have plenty of opportunity's in the future, right?"

Y/N just looked away avoiding eye contact with him. Joon-woo on the other hand already liked the little game they were playing. He turned back to the rest.

"Anyways, yesterday's trial was disappointing. You barely did anything."

Choi Myeonghui spoke for the first time.
"I'm sorry, sir. We won't let them have their way again."

Joon-woo looked at her.
"I heard you were dubbed "the butcher" at your former workplace. But in my eyes, Vincenzo seemed to be the one wielding the sword."

"Do you know about him?"

"How could I not? He was the one who blew up my warehouse. If you can't beat him, just get rid of him like you did with Mr. Hong and the researchers... Nice and simple."

"Please have trust in us, sir."

Y/N didn't know what was going on anymore, in that moment she realized, that Babel was only bad news. She had to quit. There was no way she was going to stay in such a mafia like company, which kills and destroys human lives. She always knew that Babel wasn't the best, but this was to much.

"Ok. We are done here."
Joon-woo stop up, walking towards his brother and grabbing his neck again. Han-seo tried to move away.

"Take good care of my brother as well. Don't ignore him just because he is fake. I will have a nice talk with his secretary. Right, Han-seo?

Han-seo just looked forward not moving.


They all packed their things together and Joon-woo said goodbye to all of them. When Han-seo closed the door Joon-woo slowly turned towards Y/N, approaching her. He stood in front of her he slowly reaching out with his hand.

"I'm Jang Han-seok."

Y/N looked at his hand and then at him.

"I want to quit."

Jang Han-seok studied her, grinning, which quickly turned into a chuckle. He turned away from her, walking towards the table. When he reached the table he grabbed a chair and slowly pulled it out. The tension between them was indescribable. Turning back to her he nodded at the chair, telling her to sit down. Y/N respected him, so she slowly walked towards the chair, turning her back to him and sitting down. Joon-woo couldn't stop looking at her. He watched her slowly walk towards the chair and sit down, in such an elegant way. Joon-woo strolled back to his chair. He sat down, leaning back and crossing his leg, while eying Y/N.

"I can't do that, can I? Now that you know everything. You would be a threat."

Y/N watched him.

"I won't tell anyone anything."

He chuckled.

"I can't let you go Y/N."

"I will no longer work for Babel, it's evil... You are evil."

She stood up, starting to make her way out.

„As our secretary, I'm sure you know that Babel has many allies. One call...and I could make your life miserable."

He stood up walking towards her. Y/N had her back towards him. She felt him coming closer. Her heart started beating faster and she stiffened. When she felt him coming extremely close Y/N wanted to move away, but Han-seok grabbed her pushing her into his chest. His breath went down her neck giving her goosebumps. Han-seok leaned down whispering into her ear.

„Don't be afraid. I won't be that evil to you."

That was the moment she knew, she knew she couldn't escape this, he would turn her life into hell, if she didn't do what he wanted from her. Y/N was mad at herself for not realizing sooner, into what kind of danger she was getting herself.

She turned towards him, his eyes where dark and she knew that he found harassing her amusing.

„When will I start tomorrow? Sir?"

Their faces where now centimeters apart and Han-seok was examining every inch of Y/N face, barely giving attention to what she said. He started grinning, slowly stroking her jawline.

"Take a week off, we don't want you to overwork yourself. I will call you."

Y/N knew what he was doing, trying to completely get her into doing what he tells her to. She got even closer.

"I'm pretty sure I did not overwork myself sir..."

But Han-seok was quick, he also knew what she was trying to do. He grabbed her jaw in a harder way and his face got more intimidating.

"Don't push me that far."

"Jang Han-seok! I just..."

The conference door swung open and Han-seo walked inside witnessing Y/N in Han-Seok grip. His eyes widened.

„Oh...I...I....I'm sorry..."

Han-seo was about to close the door again, but Han-seok chuckled.

„Stay. Tell me what you wanted to say."

He still had Y/N in his grip, and she knew why. He wanted to embarrass her in front of Han-seo and show him, that he already had her under his control. She pushed he face to the side, so Han-seo couldn't see her. But Han-seok wasn't letting her go, his grip was harder than steel. She whispered into his ear.

„Stop embarrassing me in front him."

Han-seok turned his full attention back to her, grinning.

„I will call you. You can go now."

He let her go and Y/N stormed out of the room, not making eye contact or saying good bye to anyone.

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