18 The Confession

Start from the beginning

"I was actually planning to confess tomorrow that's why I decided to sleep early and here you are, confessing to me." He said then he laugh once again.

"Wait! Confess? You're gonna confess to who?" Izuku asked.

"To you of course! Deku, Izuku, I like you so much." Katsuki said those words smoothly that it makes his heart pound so loud and he feels like he is gonna faint.

"Now, I won't let you beat me again. Deku, Izuku."


"Would you give me the chance to make you the happiest person this time? Would you like to go out with me, as my boyfriend?" Katsuki once again makes Izuku's heart flutter like he usually does.

"Of course. Why would I even say no to you?" Izuku said while tearing up.

"Oy, why the hell are you crying?" Katsuki asked as he stands from his sitting position and approached Izuku and caress his cheeks.

"Because Kacchan is my boyfriend now and I am so happy." Izuku said while making a waterfalls in his eyes.

"Damn nerd." Katsuki affectionately said then lift Izuku and hug him tightly.

"I am happy too." He said.

The next morning, Izuku woke up beside Katsuki and they are cuddling. He gets flustered the moment he remembers what happened last night. Finally! Kacchan is his boyfriend now. He is so happy.

"You're awake already?" Katsuki asked him with his eyes closed.

"Yes. We have classes today and I am so happy so I woke up early." He answered.

"You were so happy that I am you're boyfriend now that you are even in a good mood?" Katsuki said and this time he opened his eyes and saw his boyfriend lying in his arms. The ray of the sunlight from the window hitting Izuku's hair making him look like he is glowing brought Katsuki into a trance.

'Damn. I am so in love with him now.' He thought.

"Of course I am happy. Kacchan is the best!" Izuku said and then giggled. Katsuki wasn't able to stop himself and he suddenly pinch Izuku's freckled cheeks.

"What if I am not the best?" Katsuki teased him.

"Huh? Even if Kacchan is not the best to other people, you are always be the best in my eyes." Izuku said and look at him lovingly while smiling so bright. It makes Katsuki's heart flutter.

"What are you doing to me Deku? You're making my heart flutter." He said which makes Izuku flustered.

"Deku, do you know how beautiful you are right now?" Katsuki once again said.

"K-K-Kacchan! Y-You are being straightforward. My heart can't take it." Izuku said and he buried his face on Katsuki's chest which makes Katsuki laugh.

"You are so cute. What do you want for breakfast?" Katsuki asked while caressing Izuku's hair.

"Umm? Bread toast?" he said then he look up at Katsuki.

'Ah, Kacchan looks so handsome. My heart is fluttering every time I look at him. Could it be possible for him to hear my heart beating so fast?'

"Okay. Let's go." Katsuki said then he slowly get up.

"Ah, Kacchan. Wait!" Izuku said after he remembers something.

"What is it?"

"It's just that, should we tell the others about us?" he asked Katsuki.

"Well, you can tell your friends. I am actually planning on telling Dunce Face and Shitty Hair." He said the he smiled at him.

"So Kaminari and Kirishima-kun knows your feelings for me? They actually knows my feeling about you."

"What? Those idiots knows that you like me?" Katsuki asked. 'Is that the reason why they want me to confess? Because they are sure that I will not be rejected?'

"Yes. They said I was obvious." He said then pouted.

They then decided to just tell their friends. By friends, Uraraka, Todoroki, Kaminari and Kirishima is what they mean. And by the others? Well, it's for them to find out.

Minutes later, the couple is now in the kitchen eating their breakfast which is prepared by Katsuki.

"Thank you for the breakfast Kacchan!" Izuku said then smiled.

"Anything for you Babe." Katsuki said then grin. Izuku is a tomato again.

"I don't think I will get used to it." Izuku commented.

"Well, get used to it Baby." Katsuki said while smiling. He is obviously teasing him because Izuku's flustered face is just so adorable.

"Babe, you look cuter when you are blushing." Katsuki teased him until they are done with their breakfast and decided to go to school right away. Nobody was there so nobody witness Katsuki's sweet side. Miss opportunity again, for them.


1253 words.

Finally! A confession already. Do you like it? Let me know if it is good or not so I can improve my ways of writing these kind of scenes. Hahaha. Thank you for reading this story. Few more chapters and this book will come to close. Hope you enjoy!

Next Chapter: Filler 4

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