She just covered her face as Kyoko ran upstairs.

She hasn't had much thought to her brothers wanting to be in UA.

Honestly she could careless. It had nothing to do with her dreams...

But she has always been there when they all yelled at eachother. Or at training practice to cheer her brothers on.

She didn't know much of Kyori's scar story since everyone kept it from her but..she did know he cared a lot about being a hero.

She sneaked to his room grabbing something before hearing glass crack.

She opened the bathroom door seeing Kyori pull his hand away from the glass and wall.


Kyori looked down at her as he glared looking away blocking his eyes from hers.

"Go away Kyoko. Not now."

"Hey I don't want you to get hurt either you know! You can't leave me here with Kenji!" She said hoping to lift his mood at their common inside joke. But..not even that made him turn around.

She walked behind him.


He turned to her seeing her hold a mask.

"I thought I told you to stay out of my room..?" He said grabbing Ace's mask.

"And I thought you knew I don't listen." She said cheerfully.

Kyori just looked down at the mask.

"You don't have to be a hero for the world Kyori..I know your quirks hurting you so don't be a dummy and use it recklessly!!" She said.

"Ya? And what am I supposed to do with my petty life."

"Petty? You're crazy if you think that's what you are! But please don't be hard on yourself! Or mama!! She told me..that you were a hero for her..and you got that scar because of know she told me she blamed herself you can't be a bully and die! Cause it'll only hurt her more!! And I'll kill you before you die if you do that okay!" Kyoko said glaring at him.

Kyori laughed softly looking at her as she talked.

"I'm not gonna die you idiot."

"You're stupid..."

"Thanks Kyo."

She smiled up at him. She then looked at the broken/melted mirror..

"Uhh..let's blame Kenji. Always works" she giggled evilly as Kyori nods agreeing.

The two walked out but Kyori just went to his room closing the door.

He sat on his bed staring at the mask in his hand.


Katsuki looked at Kenji.

"Go talk to him."

"What? You think he'll listen to me?!" Kenji said shocked but Katsuki just glared at him making him leave.

_____ looked up at Katsuki as he sighed. He moved away and sat on the couch.

"..he's been dreaming of being a hero.." _____ said.

"I know. But I can't let him do it if it'll only hurt him. You know that-"

"I do but babe..we gave him so much hope that he could do it...he just needs time to adjust."

"What's the point if it makes me the bad guy." Katsuki said glaring at the ground.

She sat down with him.

"You're not the bad guy. He'll thank you once he realizes that you were're saving him Kats..not even I could have caught on."

"..that scar..We should've found a way to remove it..he would have had a chance at least-"

"We did try..."

"Not hard enough! We did that to him! Ruining his chance at becoming a god damn hero!" Katsuki said standing up looking at her.

"...don't say that." ____ said the guilt coming back.

"What else can I say!? The kid's body is damaged because I was a minute late!" Katsuki said his own guilt hovering around him. He looked at her as they both were feeling horrible about it, but his words didn't help.

"..or because I couldn't save him in time. It could've been avoided I know..but we can't do anything about it ok! It happened.."

"I should've killed Tora..I should've had his head!" Katsuki said getting angry.


"No! Seriously we go save hundreds of people but we couldn't help our own kid?! We even helped Static save his kid but we couldn't do anything for ours!? That's bullshit! We didn't do enough!" He said moving his arms as he talked.

______'s eyes started to tear up hearing the truth as she looked away.

Katsuki looked at her and mentally slapped himself just hugging her.

"..I'm sorry I didn't mean it I just..I know we've done everything but it-"

"It doesn't feel enough..I get it." She said hugging him back.

He held her face into his chest letting her sob softly as he held back his own tears not wanting to cry especially now.

All three of them..just watch their parents from the top of the stairs..quietly.

Kyori glared looking away before walking back to his room.

"Kyori! Wait-" Kenji tried to follow him but he slammed the door shut.

Kenji looked at Kyoko who looked upset hearing how guilty their parents felt.

It wasn't anything a child wanted to hear..especially from their parent..

Kyori just held his head his headache killing him more as single tears drip from his eyes to the floor.


That night they all went to bed. The house silent.

______ felt horrible having to watch Kyori's dreams be crushed today.

Katuski was even worse since he had to break the news to him.

It wasn't a happy ending at the moment for any of them.

Kyori stayed awake that night. The thought of him ruining his own chances at being a Hero..he finally got his quirk didn't even matter. His father would never look at him the same way he looks at Kenji..

He just stared off at space..I will never get what i want...

He looked over at Kenji who was fast asleep already.

He grabbed Ace's mask walking out as he went to his parents room.

He looked at them seeing them asleep.

"I'm sorry.."

He closed the door but..before walking down..

"Kyori?" A soft yawn was heard as he turned to find Kyoko rubbing her eyes. She was just coming from the bathroom.

She looked at him confused.

"Why are you awake?" She asked

"Couldn't sleep...hey could you do me a favor?" He asks her.

Kyoko nods as he leads her back to her room.

"Whatever happens..I need you to promise me you won't stop doing what you love. You've got a great spirit Kyo."

"You sounds so sillyyy, just go sleeeppp!" Kyoko yawned again falling into her bed.

Kyori smiled at her and threw the blanket over her head.

She laughed pulling it down but when she did..he wasn't there.

She saw Ace's mask on her bed just grabbing it confused.



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