𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶𖣘

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I woke up, my heart beating against my chest. The bed was drenched with sweat and so were my clothes. I looked at the alarm clock on my bedside table. The time read 8:29. I quickly jumped out of bed, grabbed a shirt and shorts and got dressed. I ran downstairs, putting my shoes on as I left the door. I got on my bike and sped up to the hill. I almost crashed into Max on my way up. She was on her way back home, a disappointed look marked on her face.

"Max! God I am so sorry for being late!" I panted. She now wore a face of shock as I got of my bike and stood in front of her. "I had this really bad nightmare and ended up sleeping in! I got here as quick as possible." I finished, coming to a stop to catch my breath. I looked up at Max to see what she would say. "Are you alright? What did you bump into on your way here?" Max asked, looking worried.

"Nothing." I shrugged, me now becoming the confused one. "You're sure? Why is your shoulder bleeding?" My girlfriend questioned. I looked down at my left shoulder to see blood soaking through my shirt. I felt myself become pale and a cold sweat made it's way to my skin. So, it wasn't a nightmare. It was real. The Devil was actually out to get me.

It became hard to breath as I felt myself panic. "Crap! Quinn! Quinn? Woah sit down!" Max carefully pulled me down onto the grass and sat beside me. She stroked my arms gently, waiting for me to calm down. "Fuck! Fuck! fuck!" I felt tears stung my eyes as my hands shook. Max quickly picked up her walkie talkie and told the others to meet her by the hill. "It's an emergency!" She exclaimed before putting it down.

She pulled me down to her chest to listen to her heartbeat. I could feel her fingers slowly comb through my hair. "Match my breathing okay? You're going to be okay." Max told me softly. I tried to match her breathing, struggling slightly. "You're doing amazingly, you can do this." Max soothed. I was able to calm myself and breath normally by the time everyone reached us.

"What happened? Quinn are you okay?" Will dropped down to my side. He looked worried and pale. I gave him a small nod. Max explained what happened as everyone sat down and I tried to compose myself. "Quinn what did you hurt your shoulder on?" Dustin asked me. "I didn't. It was in a dream- well not a dream I guess- I thought it was a nightmare- Morrigan was there- and-" Mike cut me off. "Morrigan? She's staying at Will's place. I was there this morning and so was she."

"What time? What time did you get there?" I asked Mike. "Oh Erm- 8:21." Mike shrugged.
"Will did you see her then?" I turned to the other teen. "No not really. She woke up by the time Will got to mine." He responded. Max rubbed my hands as they shook again. More things to add up my 'nightmare' was real.

"You said and, was there someone else there in your nightmare thing?" Dustin asked. I nodded, fear over taking my body as I remembered the creature. The talon that had been resting over my shoulder. It's voice. The way it laughed. "Okay who else was there?" Dustin pushed.
"The Devil." I gulped. There was silence. A tense silence.

"The...the Devil?" El repeated. I nodded.
"Are you sure? In your nightmare the devil was there?" Lucas queried. I nodded. "That's what it said it was. And do you really think I'd cut up my shoulder just to make up some lie?" I started to worry that none of them believed me. Was I going insane? "No I'm not saying that. I'm just worried." Lucas sad quickly.

"It spoke to you? What did it say?" Max asked. "It said it wanted to make a deal with me. And said something about needing me for an army?" I recalled. Max looked worried, concerned. "We should take you home, we can fix up your shoulder and tell Steve. He needs to know about this." Max told me. I nodded and allowed her to help me up. Max decided to walk our bikes since she said 'You look too shaken up to be trusted riding a bike' so it took slightly longer to get home.

When we finally arrived at my house we entered the living room and saw Steve in the kitchen. "Hey guys." He smiled, his smile fading as he saw the look on our faces. "What happened? Woah Quinn your shoulder!" Steve exclaimed, running into the living room as we all sat down. We explained what had happened at the hill and I told Steve about my 'nightmare'.

"That explains why Morrigan was being so weird. She told us about that thing from the upside down, said it takes people's souls and turns them into its little puppet. That must of been what the 'Devil' thing was. Thank god you didn't say yes." Steve rambled. I nodded, still processing the information myself. "We need to tell Joyce about this. You guys stay here, I'll be right back." Steve got up, got his shoes on and left.

I let out a sigh and sunk into the sofa. My adrenaline had come to a stop so now I was painfully aware of the stabbing pain in my left shoulder. I looked at the stain of blood the cuts had left on my shirt and frowned. This better wash out, I love this shirt. "We should get that shoulder cleaned up." Max said, getting up. "Yeah, that'd be a good idea." I nodded, standing up with her.

"Where's the first aid kit?" She asked me.
"In the bathroom." I replied. Max took my hand and lead me to the bathroom. She opened up one of the cupboards and took out the kit. "Right, you're gonna have to move your shirt out the way so I can actually clean it." Max told me, looking at the blood. "Oh yeah- right." I looked down nervously then back at Max. "You don't have to be nervous, I'll be quick." Max told me.

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