𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𖣘

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Two days later

I sat downstairs on the floor with my legs propped up on the sofa. "I think you're a little upside down there." Steve said as he walked into the room. I just snorted at his comment and opened my mouth to ask him who he had just answered to the door to. As I sat up I got my answer. Max, Lucas, Dustin, Jane, Will and a very unhappy Mike were entering the house with my older brother.

"I'm letting you go out again, climb another rollercoaster and you're grounded for the rest of your life." Steve threatened, pointing an accusing finger at me. "I've heard that one before...sort of." I said to myself as I got to my feet. "Have fun! Stay safe!" Steve called as we left. We all got in our bikes and started cycling. "How's your cut?" Will asked me.
"Honestly it wasn't too bad, stopped hurting by the time we got home." I shrugged. "Really? Dustin asked if you could hang out yesterday and Steve said your cut was still acting up." Max explained, overhearing our conversation.

I shook my head and sighed. "Protective older brother, you must get that right? I heard you have a brother?" I smiled. Max's face fell and everyone went silent. "Did I say something wrong?" I questioned, watching as Max pushed to cycle ahead.

We got to the forest and decided to carry on cycling so our bikes wouldn't get stolen. "Seriously what did I say wrong?" I whispered to Will, feeling guilty that I had seemed to upset Max. "Oh um...her brother died a few months ago." Will whispered back. "Shit! How? God I feel really bad now." I said in a hushed tone. "It was a mall fire." Will responded, looking a little choked up himself. "Fuck- I'll go apologise." I stated. "Maybe in private, Max doesn't really like talking about her feelings." Will warned. I nodded.

We got to the abandoned fun fair. I looked up at the rollercoaster, deciding to take Steve's advice after having another look at how high up it really was. "Hey Max can I talk to you?" I said quietly, cycling over to her. "In private?" I added. She frowned but nodded. We dumped our bikes and walked back into the forest. "Will told me why I upset you, I'm really sorry! I had no idea! And I won't bring it up again!" I quickly apologised. "Yeah it's fine, and stick to that not bringing it up thing again." Max said, clenching her jaw. "Right yeah, sorry, again." I cleared my throat awkwardly, still feeling very guilty.

I heard a twig snap and turned to face the noise. I spotted the rest of the group trying to hide behind a clump of bushes. "Could you guys mind your business for two seconds?" Max huffed, turning away and walking off, deeper into the forest. The red head was still very clearly upset. I sent the others an annoyed look before going off to try see if I could get Max to come back.

I sped walked to catch her. "Max! I'm sure they were just worried! You at least gonna come grab your bike if you're leaving?" I called after the slightly shorter girl. She turned around quickly, I could of sworn I saw tears in her eyes but she looked away and when she had looked back at me there was no sign of sadness. It was just frustration left. I took a step forward to stand in front of her when the floor gave way.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I fell into a floor of concrete. "QUINN?" I could see Max's face appear in the hole that I had left behind after my fall. "I'm alive." I reassured her, getting to my feet. I looked at my hands since they were stinging slightly. There were a couple spots of blood on them, nothing to difficult to hid from Steve though. I looked at the floor seeing a few more bits of blood. "Guess this is Karma." I joked. Max let out a small laugh and smiled at me. "Yeah it is." She grinned.

I looked around me. I was in a concrete tunnel. I could hear Max yelling for the others and no answer above me. "Give me two seconds I need to go grab them real quick." Max said as she walked away. I just nodded and started walking along the tunnel. It was pitch black so I used the walls as my guide. I frowned as I felt something warm touch my hand. I ignored it and turned back when I heard Max announcing her arrival.

As I got into the light I looked at my hand and immediately felt the colour drain from my face. Blood. There was warm, fresh blood on my hands. "GUYS GET ME OUT!" I screamed, my heart racing. "Quinn calm down, you scared of small spaces or something?" Max laughed. I didn't find anything funny about the situation. I could hear a dragging noise, almost like feet making its way towards me. The noise of feet was accompanied with an odd screeching noise, a quiet, low screech that made my skin crawl. I eagerly climbed the rope that they had let down for me and scrambled away from the hole as I landed on the dirt.

"Quinn?" Dustin gave me a weird look.
"Quinn, you alright?" Will asked.
"Woah, what happened down there?" Max questioned, clearly picking up on my distress. She walked over to me, her face falling as she saw the amount of blood on my hand. "Did you cut yourself again?" She took my wrist to take a closer look. "You are so fucking clumsy." Mike huffed. "It's not my blood," I said, my hands shaking. Silence. "There's something down there. It was coming towards me." I explained, fear still pumping through my veins.

"What'd look-" Lucas didn't get to finish his question as I heard the noise again. Louder this time, more agitated it seemed. Everyone looked at each other before the group moved to push branches over the holes. There was a small moment of no talking, only heaving panting. It was broken by screams as a clawed hand ripped through some of the branches. "TO THE BIKES!" Dustin screeched.

A/N: look at me leaving you guys on a cliff hanger 😌 (don't hurt me pls I'll try get the next chapter out today.)

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