𖣘𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼𖣘

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𖣘𖣘𖣘𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚢. 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚝.𖣘𖣘𖣘

I stuck to the back of the group. In all honesty I didn't want to go into the bloody tunnel that had been hiding a monster from a whole other world but anything not be left behind I guess. "So what do we do when we actually get there?" Max asked, which was a fair point. What were we supposed to do when we got to the tunnel? Go down and hope there's not some sort of nest of Demogorgans down there?

"We need to figure out any sort of life form that could of brought the Demogorgan to a specific place or maybe there's people down there that need help." Dustin explained. "Yeah doubt there's any alive people down there." I spoke up, remembering the fresh blood I had touched. "Thanks for the positive attitude." Mike huffed. "No problem sweetheart." I smiled, my voice heavy with sarcasm. Mike just rolled his eyes and continued walking.

We reached the spot where the tunnel was and Eleven peered down to make sure there was nothing there. Once we got the all clear Lucas and Will tied some rope to a tree trunk and let it down the entrance. We climbed down one by one and turned on our flashlights. As we started walking through the tunnel our steps bounced off the walks which was comforting knowing we would hear anything coming but also terrifying since anything would hear us coming too.

My flashlight lit up a patch of dark red against the wall. Blood. The blood I had touched yesterday, I knew it was since it had finger prints dragging away from the main splatter of the dark stain. I tried to ignore it and sped walked to catch up with the others, refusing to be left behind.

We walked for a minute more before we were stopped by two metal doors. "Crap!" Mike cursed as he shoved his body into the door. "Mike even if those doors were unlocked there's no way your weak ass is getting them open." Max stated as we watched the dark haired teen struggle. "Oh shut up Max, if your so tough why don't you open it!" He panted, stepping away from the doors and rubbing his shoulder. "Alright." Max shrugged and shoved the doors. I snorted with laughter as they flung open. "Bitch." Mike muttered under his breath.
"What'd ya say?" I asked him with a stern look. "Nothing." He answered quickly, shaking his head for emphasis.

We walked through the doors and the tunnel continued. There were several doorways on either side of us. Dustin slowed us down by going up to each one and putting his ear against the doorways which was annoying. A positive side was that we didn't have to carry our flashlights anymore since there were lights lining the ceiling. Though that also brought the worry of who was keeping all these lights on and working.

Dustin paused to listen to another door and we all stop behind him. I sighed and leaned against the wall. I peered down the rest of the tunnel to see that it curved round. I heard slow steady footsteps, they echoed through the spacious concrete area. Everyone was standing still, staring towards the corner. "Fuck." Lucas muttered. We all shoved Dustin and pushed into the room. Eleven caught the door and closed it slowly so it wouldn't make a loud noise.

"Holy. Shit." I gasped. Surrounding us were white walls and shelves. On each shelf there were a collection of books. There were plenty of chairs scattered around. Lucas grabbed one and wedged it against the door's handle so no one could come in. Eleven started going across the books. "Think one of these is a secret lever?" Dustin asked as he started pulling out random books. "Maybe. Try and pull all of them!" Max suggested with a sarcastic smile. I smiled at the comment and looked up to see even more rows of books.

I started pulling books out and flicking threw them. There was nothing interesting in the first two books I picked up, just basic survival things, the sort of stuff you would see in a camping guide. The third book however definitely grabbed my interest. It was dark red and forced shut by a black ribbon. I removed the ribbon and opened to the first page, my eyes widening. 'The Upside down'

"Hey guys!" I called the attention of the rest of the group. They all crowded around me. "Holy shit!" Dustin gasped. "Pass me that." Mike said, grabbing the book from my hands. I sent him an annoyed stare and he just glared back. Max grabbed it back off him and handed it back to me. "Thanks." I said quietly, a small smile making its way onto my lips.

"What's it say? Read it." Eleven encouraged me. "Right okay." I said, pulling my eyes away from Max.

The upside down
The upside down is a world that exists under the town of Hawkins. It resembles the town in shocking detail though it is infested with horrific creatures. The most common being the Demogorgan (turn to page 20 to see more) which we have been seeing and alarming increase in.

I started reading. "Wait! Turn to page 20!" Dustin told me, tapping my shoulder impatiently. "Okay okay!" I exclaimed as I turned to the page.

The Demogorgan is a creature of the upside down. It feasts on any living creature. It hunts purely for sport and it's unfortunate victims can be found with mutilated bodies and mauled faces...or what are left of faces. They are one of the most commonly found creatures of the upside and the most common to find their ways into our world. The Demogorgan's only found weakness as of far is fire.

I stopped reading as the handle to the door started turning. "Hello? Who's in there? Doctor Griffin?" A voice called through the door as the attempts to get in became stronger. "Shit." Max cursed. I looked around desperately for an escape. "Vent! Up there! We have to crawl through!" Will shout-whispered, pointing at the vent he had spotted. "HELLO?"
We all quickly scrambled to get through the vent. I was last to get in and quickly leaned down to pick up the vent's cover as I saw the chair get shoved away and the door fly open.

A/N: sorry this chapter took so long I've been in the process of moving houses so it's been very chaotic. Hope u all enjoyed what I've written though. (Also im all here for how Quinn and Max were being this chapter <3)

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