Chapter 14 : The News

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Mr. Jeon : SHUT UP SLUT!!! After ruining my daughter's life you dare talk in front of me..---


Teacher : Mr. Min, Mr. Kim

Mr.Jeon : Mr. Min..

Somi who was enjoying the show till then stiffened when she had heard yoongis voice.. the look on his face said everything.. he looked quite enraged.. but what surprised her more was her father who stood up in respect and bowed to both the men in front, Y/n and Jungkook had a surprised look but as usually it hurt Somi's pride that her dad was bowing to Y/n's father and was basically scared of him..

YG : what did you just say to me daughter?

Mr. Jeon : your d-daughter? Y-y/n is your daughter?

YG : yes she is.. and Jungkook is Namjoon's elder son

Mr. Jeon felt the worlds end.. his world's end....because his best workers the people because of whom his company was standing erect and had not gone bankrupt and was still operating..were standing in front him.. both pretty enraged and if this matter was not solved properly chances of them Quitting too was evident...but Jihoon was unaware of another major point which was AgustD was their biggest shareholder along with RapMonster their second Biggest shareholder.. one of the prime reasons why the company survived.. but he never get to meet them..

YG : what did you just call my daughter Jihoon... ANSWER ME DAMMIT

NJ : yoongi hyung calm down... we need to talk it out...

YG : talk what out, as to why he called my daughter a slut.. this man needs to be hit with facts right on his face and I'mma do that right now.

Jeon Jihoon do you even know that your daughter has been stalking jungkook for months? Are you even aware of the fact that your daughter bullies other kids including taehyung and Y/n.. jungkook doesn't reacts because he is tied up by somi.. her crazy behaviour is insane.. she broke into Namjoon's house.. tortured the shit out of my daughter and freaking broke her wrist putting a full stop to one of her biggest career opportunities.. I have shit load on your daughter but I won't spill it now.. you better keep your daughter in control.. if she comes near kook or y/nie one more time it will the end of you.. and Min Yoongi doesn't threaten he just does what he says... you seriously better watch out..

To say Jihoon was embarrassed was understatement.. he who was respected by each and every person in the school was being threathened by Yoongi.. and he knew yoongi well.. he is a man is words.. he was drowing in shame of the activities of his daughter..

Mr. Jeon : Mr. Min I'm sorry for my daughters behaviour.. I apologize to you to Mr. Kim.. Miss. Min, Master Kim please accept my apologies,,,

NJ : y/n kook go out we need to talk to your teacher a bit..

Y/n : okay Samchun..

It was almost recess and and y/n was putting her books back.. it was the last recess break of the day and the school ends in half an hour.. they missed a class when they were called.. jungkook was leaning on the locker besides y/n and as usually he was in his flirt mode..

Jk : I liked it..

Y/n : what ?

JK : I .liked it when mr. Jeon called us a couple..

Y/n: A "Scandalous" couple..

JK : but couple right ?

Y/n: which we are not jungkook

JK : oh kookie is fine, you can also call me kook

Y/n: oh Appa were you still at the teachers room ?

JK : Nice try but how about.. some Ramyeon tonight?

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