Chapter 4

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We stand so close, we look at each other. He looks at me and I look at him. I don't know what to say..although to be honest I'm scared. It's been so long, I don't know what to do.

"Long time no see" Harry said in a hoarse voice and smiled slightly from the edge of his lips.

I looked away, biting my lip. "Harry..i-"

"Wait, no..don't say anything, just come with me" Harry said taking my hand and led me somewhere.

He holds my hand, we are going somewhere, and again he didn't tell me where exactly. It reminds me of something..oh yes, my past..

We walk down the corridor, there are quite a lot of doors around, I have a feeling of deja vu..and to be honest, it's scary.

"Where are we going?" I spoke softly.

"You'll see soon" Harry turned his head towards me.'s been two years and he's still the same secretive, mysterious guy.

After a couple of minutes, we came to the red door. Harry looked at me again and said. "Are you ready?"

I have a strong desire to run away.

"No..but do whatever you want to do" I muttered.

Harry opened the door and we went inside, I followed him and still held his hand. At first the room was dark, but after a couple of seconds the light turned on.

I'm going to faint now..

They were in front of me..Liam, Niall, Louis. Zayn wasn't there, but I think I can guess where he is.

The guys are sitting on the couch and they are looking at me, everyone has a complete shock on their faces, I have never experienced such nostalgia.

"No way.. Are you fucking shitting me?!" Louis exclaimed.

I just continued to stand still, looking at them.

It's all coming back to me, man...

"Well, how are we going to live?" Niall asked. But without waiting for an answer, he answered his own question. "No! I will be fun, just like two years ago"

Harry sat silently on the couch across from me. It's like he's looking into my soul.

"Fuck.. I'm still in shock, and to be honest, our meeting pleases me" Liam said as he looked at me and the others with a smile.

"We seem to have returned to the past and sitting at our house in Bristol again. But this time we'll do without goodbyes" Louis chuckled as he patted Harry on the shoulder.

Are we really going to be friends or whatever if nothing happened?

The guys laughed, except me and Harry. I smiled slightly, and he just looked at me with serious eyes.

"I have an idea!" Niall yelled sharply as he jumped off the couch. "Let's celebrate it! It's not just a meeting, it's a legendary meeting!"

Louis held up a bottle of beer in agreement. "Dude, you read my mind"

"Great, then we need to order food, and we have another case of beer" Liam said, happily.

"Get it over here" Niall said looking at Liam.

Harry leaned against the back of the sofa, and looking at me with a slight smirk, he said:

"This is the start of a new chapter"

We continued to look at each other in silence. I felt my eyes start to water. I can't..too much going on. So many thoughts in my head.

I jumped up abruptly from the couch, giving Harry one last look through tear-filled eyes. "I'm so..sorry" I spoke softly and ran away.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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