Percy facepalmed.

Jaune... my gods.

He winked.

Weiss slammed the door in his face.

Way to go Jaune, way to go.

Jaune knocked again, "Oh... come onnnn."

"Jaune, are you going to sing again?" Weiss asked.


"Then no," she instantly denied.

"Finee.... I won't sing, okay? I promise not to sing..." Jaune pleaded from the door.

Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance, and Percy couldn't blame her. Jaune apparently hadn't taken his advice.

"I liieeed!" he sang horribly, strumming the wrong strings of the guitar.

"Weiss Schnee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday?" he tried to rhyme.

"Ugh. No."

She closed the door on his face.

She looked at Ruby and Yang staring at her, "What?"

"And that is why they call you the ice queen."

Percy sniggered at her offended look.

Yang pulled his arm, "Wanna go spar?"

Spar? Right now?

He shrugged, "Sure. Ruby-"

"Actually, I was just thinking me and you," Yang butted in, some kind of silent message in her lilac eyes. Percy didn't know what it was, or why, but he got the gist of it, and allowed Yang to pull him outside their dorms.

They began strolling, falling animatedly into their normal banter and chatting.

"Remember that one time we caught Ruby sucking on your neck?" Yang grinned, reminding him of the memory, as Percy groaned.

"Please no."

"She thought you were a cookie!" Yang cackled madly attracting stares from bystanders as they made their way towards the training rooms.

"Ugh. You're infuriating," Percy snarked back good humoredly, before sighing.

"I feel bad for Jaune. He's head over heels for Weiss, but he just keeps trying even after she keeps shooting him down... he needs to broaden his horizons, if you know what I mean. I mean, I just talked to him and told him the ol' 'there's plenty of fish in the sea' expression, but he tried asking Weiss to the dance anyway!"

Yang hummed in agreement.

"Speaking of the dance, Percy..." Yang looked at him with an unreadable expression on her face, "do you have a date?"

A date? Hilarious.

"Uh... I was just thinking of not going or whatever. Besides, we have to get Blake to go. That's the number one priority here," he articulated.

"Don't worry Percy," she winked one of her deep lilac eyes at him, "Leave that up to me."

Percy rolled his eyes at her boldness, but nodded nonetheless.

Yang suddenly looked a little nervous, her eyes looking down at the ground as she bit her lip uncertainly, her hands fidgeting.

"I was wondering... you said you didn't have a date right?"

"Yeah, no one's asked me out yet..."

"How?" Yang looked incredulous, "I mean... you're you! Percy Jackson himself! You beat Pyrrha Nikos without a drop of sweat, and you're the leader of the first team of five at Beacon!"

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