Part 1

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"Thanks, Tigris for the song. I think it expresses all of our feelings at the moment," Alby said, while I just snuggled into him.

"Let's hope the next chapter of our life doesn't cause any more pain," I said, falling asleep on his shoulder. The last thing I remember is Alby saying, "I do too Tigris, I do too."

-That night-

Everyone except for Thomas and Fey were awake. We landed and I started to hear growling.

"Thomas! Thomas! Get up we got to go come on let's go!" I yelled at him as Fry grabbed Fey's body so Newt can run with everyone else. He woke up both Minho and Alby dragged him along with us that were being dragged from the helicopter. I got my bow and arrows and started to shoot at the human-like things. To help keep them off both the men and our backs as we ran inside. I flew up as one almost hurt me. Then shoot several that were sneaking up on the men. I even manage to fly by those things and grab my arrows. The man that was helping us, in the building, was shouting orders to the others as everyone else was running into the big building. As I flew in and when we got in the doors closed trapping the men on the other side. My heart ached to see that I couldn't help the warriors on the other side of the door as I landed. I turned around to the others and see Fey still in Fry's arms.

"Fry lay her down right there," I commanded pointing to a spot on the ground so I can wake her up. He laid her down and I ran over and knelt beside her, "Fey? It's time to wake up Girl."

"No, it's not. So leave me to sleep," Fey mumbled.

*sigh* "I don't want to do this," I whispered to no one in particular. Then I grabbed her ankle and held her upside down and flew up. Making sure that she can't take us both down, injuring us at the same time.

"Come on Fey, time to wake up," I said flatly.

"Okay." She said then looked down seeing how high up we are and panicked a little, "OKAY! Okay just put us down. Please?"

"Alright," was all I said before flying back down.

"Don't EVER do that again. That was one of the scariest things you have done to me," she said.

"Well, it was one of the only ways I could think of to wake you up at the moment. So it was either that or have Daniel smack you in the head with his staff. To which he can hit quite hard and potentially kill you. All though you did do the blood bind with Newt," I said.

"Okay fair enough. Wait, how did you know?" she said.

"You took my book and saw that you were looking some things up. That's how," I said.

"Really Tigris?" Newt said.

"What? I wouldn't have dropped your girlfriend. You need to trust me, jeez," I said with a little bit of sass.

"I mean she got you there," Alby defended me. Newt shook his head, while I smiled, and the others were taking a good look around.

"What is this place?" Fey asked.

"My guess is WICKED because who else would build a place like this," I said looking around myself. Then a man in a turtle neck sweater came up to us. My face twitched knowing who it was... Janson. My hatred started to rise I knew the others can feel it. But I didn't show it on my face or in my body language so he wouldn't know.

"Well then, you must be the newcomers from the Maze. I am Janson. I will be making sure that you will get to your rooms safely. Come with me, I'll show you to your rooms. You will be separated. Into boys and girls' rooms," Janson explained.

"What if we do better when we're together in the same room?" I asked him pretending that I didn't know him.

"Well, I guess we can figure something out," He said. He started to walk away but we followed close behind. I was in the back of the group stalking him but making sure to not make it obvious that I was. Daniel was holding onto Frypan's shoulder while walking as he is blind. I figured that he didn't want to echolocate. I knew my tiger-hunting instincts were going to kick in soon. So I went over to Alby and held his hand just to try and calm myself down.

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