"I could have helped," Kyoya commented as he pulled out his chair and sat down with Shion.

Shrugging, Shion popped open his tabasco sauce and put it on his eggs. A teasing look caught Kyoya off guard, "I'll have you cook next time." There was a pause, "Can you even cook?" Without assistance that is.

Scoffing at the remark, Kyoya reached for the pepper. "Adequately." Though he didn't think he could make as good of a sunny side up as Shion did. Looking up, he frowned as Shion just raised an eyebrow.

Shion took a sip of his coffee, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, "I'll believe you when I witness it." Then he took his piece of toast and dipped it in his runny egg yolk. After taking a bite, he noticed Kyoya staring. "What is it?"

"I just thought it was fitting," Kyoya said as he cut into his eggs. "You eat your breakfast like an Englishman."

Shion shrugged, "Well... I am German."

Kyoya reached for the tabasco sauce and put a small drop of it on his pinky and tasted it. Humming, he frowned and nodded as he added a decent amount as the red liquid lightly coated the two eggs.

Shion eyed Kyoya, slightly confused as Kyoya took a bite with no outward change in his expression, "Huh, I thought that you didn't like spicy foods."

"Oh, I do," Kyoya explained as he gave Shion an amused look, "It's just that your tolerance is much higher than mine judging from that schweineschnitzel you made."

Shion's eyebrows rose behind his bangs at the proper pronunciation, but he didn't comment on it. "That soup that the twins tampered with though... I wouldn't be surprised if they put a few tablespoons of Carolina Reaper powder in that unholy concoction."

It was Kyoya's turn to look surprised as he remembered something. "Those two did have something delivered to them as soon as Tamaki started making that soup with Haruhi."

Shaking his head, Shion scoffed, "Fucking twins."

Kyoya couldn't agree more.

After finishing their breakfast, Kyoya stood up first and took his and Shion's plate, "I'll clean this up." It was the least he could do after all. There weren't many dishes to do, the pan Shion used to cook, their plates, cups and cutlery all soaked for a minute in hot soapy water. While they soaked, Kyoya wiped down the table and looked over to Shion's recording room. He smiled lightly as his gloved hands reached into the water to pull out the first dish to be cleaned, at least I have some music to listen to. Turning off the tap, Kyoya put the last dish on the drying rack Shion had and dried his hands. The gloves proved to be ineffective as it hindered his dexterity and he almost broke a plate when he almost dropped it. Thankfully Shion had a small container of lotion by the sink as his hands were slightly wrinkly from the water. Satisfied at the state of the kitchen, Kyoya then went to study for the English test that was coming up, claiming Shion's living room as his own for the time being.

An hour or so went by, and Kyoya had set aside a few questions that needed to be answered by a native speaker. A notebook in hand, Kyoya got up from the couch he'd taken over and knocked on Shion's studio door before opening it. There he saw Shion sitting on his chair, leaning back and frowning at a script in his hand. His script had lines highlighted for each part that was going to be used for the audition.

Cocking his head and leaning his head on his shoulder, Shion sighed and looked at Kyoya before his lips tugged up into a small smile, "Need assistance?"

Kyoya blinked and stared for a second, "Well... it seems that you need it more than I do judging from this..." he gestured at Shion in general, "irritation of yours." Closing the door, Kyoya leaned his back against it and saw Shion look back at his script with one last frown before putting it down on his desk.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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