The Journey

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Hi, this chapter is a little slow but I hope it's interesting. Keep in mind that I do have a lot more changes to the actual canon so if you read something that doesn't match, that's the reason ❤️.

Three days later Rowan was in her car ready to drive the long journey to Chicago

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Three days later Rowan was in her car ready to drive the long journey to Chicago. She remembered that Caroline's and Jeremy's birthdays were in a week's time so she'd have to go back to Mystic Falls for them. Since the blonde girl wasn't a vampire this time around, the party would be as huge if not larger than Elena's. Jeremy was also turning 16. Rowan had planned a nice party for him with the help of Caroline and Stefan. They were using the Salvatore Boarding house for it and inviting most of the school. Jeremy would be spending the day unsupervised by his sisters and only surrounded by friends. Like most 16 year olds wanted. Then the next day the family would get him a cake during breakfast and sing Happy Birthday.

The Gilbert-witch began her 7-hour journey to her college's city. She drove the first three hours before taking an hour long break to stretch and eat something. Then she drove another three hours before stopping at a motel to nap for two hours and to also stretch. By the time she arrived in Chicago and saw the welcoming sign, it was 18:30. The witch went to a hotel and booked a room for the week. The hotel was the same one Shane and Connor were using. The witch took a shower and ordered room service so she could have some food before meeting with the hunter and Professor.

Rowan texted the group chat that Elijah formed for the Silas hunt and informed Connor and Shane that she'd wait for them downstairs. The witch then texted her mentor and smiled at the reply she got. Rowan went down and waited in the lobby for the two men to join her. When Shane and Connor showed up, they were both gazing at her sceptically. "Good evening," she greeted indifferently.

"Good evening," replied Connor stiffly.

"Elijah has told us that the three of you would like to join me on the hunt for Silas but didn't explain why. Also, how did you know that I couldn't be compelled?" The Professor interrogated. Rowan smiled and got up to walk outside and head to the car. The men followed without question and simply waited for her reply.

"First off, as a witch, I know what Silas is capable of and second, curiosity has been my biggest weakness. It's the same for Niklaus. So far, he knows he's the biggest, baddest creature on earth but Silas could be a threat if someone awoke him," said Rowan. She was lying flawlessly but Shane and Connor couldn't be trusted with her secret or any secret for that matter. Connor was likely going to die because his instincts would scream at him to kill Silas and the immortal wouldn't stand for that. Also, Shane had to be clever if he wanted to survive. When Silas finds out that Amara is still alive he'll have no need to break down the Other Sids, in fact it would be a mistake to do so, since Qetsiyah would be freed and likely go after the two lovers.

This would break Silas's promise to Shane or some of it. The immortal could still easily reunite the professor's family by killing the man. Rowan cringed at the idea, it was unfair she knew but she'd try her best to help Shane and keep him safe. After all, he may be immune to vampire compulsion but perhaps Silas could compel him. Of course, Rowan herself was in danger when it came to Silas. He could easily dismiss her words and try to kill her or manipulate her. She'd learned that the characters on the show and the people here were different. They were more ruthless and cunning and certainly more arrogant and selfish. If she feared meeting Niklaus and Elijah, then she was terrified to meet her ancestor.

Rowan Gilbert Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now