Dreams and Drawings

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Hello, my lovelies, I hope you're having a fantastic day. Please enjoy this chapter.

Rowan could barely feel her body

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Rowan could barely feel her body. Niklaus was very adamant, about showing her a very good time. The witch panted, as she came down from the high, of her third orgasm. A thousand years, really improved a man's skill with his tongue and fingers. The hybrid moved to lay beside her and pull her into his embrace. Rowan cuddled into his chest and wrapped her arm around his middle. "Okay, I change my mind, I no longer want you as my personal chef, I'd rather you be my boyfriend," stated the witch, playfully.

Niklaus laughed at her comment and kissed her head. "I told you, you can't afford me as your chef but I'm free as a boyfriend," he whispered. Rowan snorted and felt her eyes droop.

"I'm sorry. I'm struggling to stay awake, I'm very tired," said the witch, apologetically.

"No need to apologise Love. I've woken you up early and had fun, you're free to nap for a bit," reassured the hybrid. Rowan hummed in appreciation and snuggled closer to him.

"Don't let me sleep for more than two hours," she said and allowed herself to fall into the abyss.

Rowan found herself walking into a coffee shop. It looked very familiar and yet, unknown to her. She set foot into it and looked around. She spotted a familiar-looking man, sitting in a booth and talking to a woman. They were laughing and having fun. Rowan couldn't see the woman's face. The witch, found herself trying to call for him but her voice wouldn't sound. She continued her attempt but to no avail.

Suddenly, a tap on her shoulder alerted her. She turned to see a faceless man, watching her. "Hello, are you Rowan?" He asked.

"Yes," the witch found herself replying. Immediately, following her reply, she felt a surge of emotions engulf her. They were a mixture of happiness, then sorrow, followed by guilt and finally, grief accompanied by despair.

"I'm sorry, forgive me. Please protect him," said the unknown man. His voice expressed the emotions felt by Rowan. He was the one sending her these emotions.

"Who are you?" She asked in confusion. Was she getting a message from the beyond? Or was this just a weird dream?

"Jamie A.." said the man but his voice became distorted. "He's T-...T-To-...sav-...b-...T-To.." Rowan had turned at the last second, to watch the booth once more. She saw a glimpse of the sitting man's face. Was that...?

Rowan sat up with a gasp. She shook as she felt the emotions from the dream, carry through her body. "Love? Love are you alright?" Niklaus asked in concern. He pulled the woman to his chest and rubbed her back, soothingly. The witch shook from the sense of despair and grief. She had no idea why she felt so sad. It's as if she'd lost someone important. "Oh sweetheart, was it that bad of a nightmare?" Asked the hybrid.

"Nik, what's happening?" Asked the witch.

"You kept mumbling in your sleep and tears started falling down your face. I tried waking you up but you wouldn't budge nor was I able to enter your mind," explained the hybrid. It was true, Rowan felt the wetness on her cheeks and her eyes seemed to continue, producing tears. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, softly. The witch opened her mouth to say yes but realised...talk about what? She couldn't even remember anything.

Rowan Gilbert Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now