Connor Jordan

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Well, this is awkward after my notes or the previous chapter 🤣 In my defence this masterpiece wrote itself...masterpiece? I meant this jumble of information that my brain vomited wrote itself...yeah that's more accurate. Anyway, thank you for all the comments I really enjoy reading your speculations and reactions to the story 🤗❤️☺️

"Well, Sophie and I were walking around the witch territory in New Orleans an hour ago and we may have bumped into him

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"Well, Sophie and I were walking around the witch territory in New Orleans an hour ago and we may have bumped into him." Rowan nearly lost control of the car when she heard those words. "Woah easy Darling, we don't need you crashing before you come home," said Kol as he heard some swerving and Rowan's sharp inhale.

"Kol are you sure it was him?" Asked the witch, a little breathlessly, as she tried to regain control of her vehicle.

"At first we weren't too sure. Both of us kind of recognised him. It wasn't until we came home that Sophie thought of your painting and when we checked on it, we confirmed it was him," replied Kol. Rowan began to breathe a little heavily as her anxiety increased with her fear. "Okay Darling, I can hear you losing control over your breathing. Calm down, nothing has happened yet. Take a deep breath for me, Rowan." The witch followed Kol's instructions until she felt calm enough to breathe on her own.

"Kol, I'm on my way to New Orleans. I have a bit of news myself. Yours is more important of course but I was on my way anyway. I should be there in a couple of hours," said Rowan. Her tone was still a little shaky but she wasn't out of breath.

"Fantastic. I called because I knew you'd want to know about him. Why do you think he came here anyway? I thought he would arrive in Mystic Falls," asked the ex-Original.

"To be honest, I'm not too sure. The only explanation I can think of, is the supernatural population of New Orleans," said Rowan.

"The supernatural population?" Asked Kol a little confused.

"Have you told Nik or Elijah yet?" said the witch.

"Not yet," replied Kol now even more concerned.

"Tell them and they'll explain things to you a little more," said Rowan. "I should go now. I want to focus on the road." With that, the witch ended the call and concentrated on driving to her destination. It took three hours for Rowan to arrive in New Orleans. The witch didn't waste more time and simply drove to the Mikaelson compound. She parked her car as accurately as she could muster before rushing out of the vehicle and nearly running to the huge door. The door was open and so the witch simply walked in. "Hello?!" She called out as she saw no one in the courtyard.

"Rowan?" a male voice called back. The witch saw Marcel coming from the cell area in the basement. The vampire stared at his father's love with a smile.

"Marcellus!" Rowan cried and to her utter shock, the witch felt relieved at seeing him. She wasn't aware she'd worry for him so much. Rowan ran over and pulled him into a hug. "You're okay, thank goodness." The vampire was also shocked by the affection. Rowan had given him the impression that she disliked him, now she was hugging him and feeling happy he was okay.

Rowan Gilbert Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now