Chapter 28: No Matter What

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After the game, the gang went back to Foster’s and headed to bed. But as Jamie was getting ready for bed, she realized something: if she or Wilt get adopted, there would be a chance they’d never see each other again. The very thought of that brought tears to her eyes. And while she knew it was late, she felt she needed to talk about it to Wilt now. So she went to him, trying to dry her eyes the best she could. She then saw he was the only one awake, making it a bit easier.

“Wilt,” she whisper-yelled.

He looked at her then smiled before saying, “Jamie.”

Wilt then approached her, but when he got closer, he could tell something was wrong, even though she was smiling.

“What’s wrong?” Wilt asked.

“Can we talk? In my room?” Jamie requested.

“Sure,” he nodded.

They went to her room and he shut the door behind them before turning to her.

“I’m sorry Jamie, but what’s going on?” Wilt wondered.

Jamie then couldn’t hold it in anymore and she started to cry silently. Not knowing what she was thinking, he just knelt down to her level and hugged her, making her hug him and cry into his shoulder. It lasted for a bit before she calmed down enough to where they parted and he got her to look at him.

“Now can you tell me what’s on your mind?” he requested.

She sniffled and answered her voice breaking, “I know we never talked about it before we confessed how we felt, but after finally being with you, the thought of us being adopted by separate families breaks my heart. What if we never see each other again? I can’t lose you after finally becoming your girlfriend. I just can’t.”

She felt some tears form as she looked down and Wilt, sensing her pain, gently wiped them away as tears formed in his eye.

“I know we haven’t talked about it and it hurts me to think about it myself, but I do have a solution for that,” Wilt told her, a small smile forming.

She looked at him, hope in her eyes.

“What might that be?” Jamie wondered.

“If someone wants to adopt either of us, they’ll have to adopt both of us,” he told her, taking her hand.

(A/N Annabelle: Creation reference!)

Her eyes widened before saying, “As much as I want that to work, what if I ruin your chances of being adopted? And with me being in the agreement with Mac and Bloo…”

“I’ve already talked to them about it after we got back when Jordan flew us home. They both told me that as much as they would miss you, they knew it would be worse to see you unhappy if we were separated. So they agreed that if I get adopted, you will be adopted with me,” Wilt assured.

Jamie smiled a bit then wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing me. He returned it, wrapping his arm around her waist. They then parted and looked at each other lovingly.

“You had this all thought out, so I was crying for no reason?” she teased a bit while wiping some tears away.

He chuckled then said, “I wouldn’t say that. I’m sorry, but I didn’t think of it until right after we became a couple. But I knew we would figure something out when the time came. I wouldn’t leave you no matter what happened.”

“It’s the same with you, Wilt. No matter what, I’m sticking with you,” she stated.

“I love you,” Wilt told her.

“I love you too,” Jamie responded.

They then kissed quickly and hugged before going to bed.

The next few adventures for them were really crazy, but they got through it. And even after Wilt did get adopted, the family was more than willing to adopt Jamie; they just needed some proof first. After Mac explained the situation, they were quick to adopt her. She and Wilt said their goodbyes for now and they were off to a new family.


A/N I really do love writing scenes like this! But that’s it! I hope you all liked it!

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