Chapter 20: Jail Time

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A cell door shut as three prisoners gathered around the one just out in the cell.

"Hey, Joe. Whatcha in for this time?" a creepy guy asked.

"Trespassin'," Joe answered.

"Psh. Trespassin'? That all? My mama's been arrested for worse," a car thief mocked.

"Oh yeah? What you in for, tough guy?" Joe demanded.

"Stole a car," the car thief answered.

"That ain't nothin'. I broke into an old lady's house and took all her family heirlooms. Hocked 'em to buy me some sodey-pop," a jewel thief bragged.

"I can do better than that," the creepy guy insisted, then explained, "I gave my wife a puppy for her birthday. Boy, did she love that puppy...Then, one day, she made me real mad. So I...took him back!"

"Oooooh!" the other three said.

"Now that is just evil!" the car thief remarked.

"Criminal!" Joe added.

"Heartless," the jewel thief finished.

"I can top that," Wilt stated.

The prisoners looked at him, who was sitting sadly on a bench at the back of the cell.

"You? You don't look like you could harm a fly," the car thief laughed.

"Well, I did. Well, not a fly, but...I did hurt someone. I hurt a little boy. I hurt him real bad. I crushed his--" Wilt started.

"Foot?" Joe guessed.

"Nope. I crushed his dreams," Wilt told them

The prisoners gasped in shock at this.

"All he ever wanted was to be a great ball player. And that's what I was supposed to do for him. And I did at first. He and I were the best two-man team in the neighborhood. The champs! For a whole year, undefeated! No one could beat us. Not even the high school kids! My boy, he was so proud. I was his hero," Wilt explained.

As Wilt explained, the car thief tried not to cry while the others listened intently.

"But, there was this one kid from down the street. He was real jealous. He wanted to beat me and my boy so bad; he imagined the biggest, meanest, cheatin'-est imaginary basketball friend and challenged us! It was the most important game of my kid's life!" Wilt went on.

"What happened?" the creepy guy asked.

Wilt bowed his head and closed his good eye before saying, "...I lost."

The prisoners gasped again as Wilt looked at the floor shamefully.

"But there's more. Before I left my home, I hurt the girl of my dreams," Wilt said.

"How so?" Joe asked.

"We had a small argument about me and my kid and I said something I shouldn't have. I said that if I didn't crush my kid's dreams, I'd still be with him. The way I said it must've made her feel like I didn't want to meet her, but that wasn't true," Wilt explained.

"Then what is true about it?" the car thief asked.

Wilt sighed and answered, "I love her more than anything. But she might not forgive me after that."

"Everyone has their arguments, man. And who knows, maybe you'll get out of here, make it up to your kid, and make things right with this girl. You can't give up when you seem to be the kind of guy who'll get out of here sooner than the rest of us," the jewel thief told him.

"I don't know, but we'll see," Wilt responded.


A/N I can't take it! Oh my gosh!

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