Chapter 7: Good Wilt Hunting Part 1

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(A/N This is my favorite in the whole show and I had to put it in!)

A few days after the dance, there was a Five-Year Reunion for imaginary friends and their creators to reunite.

Frankie noticed a cop, Officer Nina Valerosa, writing a ticket for her bus.

"Oh no. Oh no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!" she exclaimed while running to the cop then continued, "What are you--? I mean-- I-- Uh. Why can't I--? I mean-- Uh."

"Is this your bus, ma'am?" Nina asked.

"Uh, yes. Is their a problem?" Frankie wondered.

The cop pointed to the sign that said "No Parking Anytime Without Permit".

"Uh, I have one of those permits," Frankie told her.

"I don't see it," Nina remarked.

"Well, I have it. Uh. Hold on," Frankie said as she dug into her pocket for her wallet.

But once out and she started digging into it, money spilt at Nina's feet.

"You're not trying to bribe me, are you, ma'am?" Nina asked.

"'Bribe'?" Frankie questioned, saw the money on the ground, then exclaimed, "No! No! Of course not!"

She immediately got on the ground and picked up the money.

Eduardo and Jamie were carrying pink lemonade while Mac and Bloo were running around them.

"Mac, Bloo, stop. You'll make us spill the lemonade," Jamie said.

"It's okay, Jamie. They're just playing," Eduardo insisted.

Then he saw Nina and Frankie then roared and ran towards them, throwing the lemonade, which spilt all over Bloo.

"Told you," Jamie smirked, making Mac laugh.

Then they saw Eduardo tackle the cop in a hug. Frankie smirked as Jamie, Mac, and Bloo came up.

"So, is that...?" Mac asked.

"Yep. Eduardo's creator, Officer Nina Valerosa," Frankie answered as Nina put her hat on Eduardo's head.

"Aye! Mi little Catina! You have gotta so big!" Eduardo said.

"Oh, you say that every single años, mi puro toro! It has been a very long time since I was little!" Nina cooed.

"Good to see you again! You are such a joker! I think we had poor Mac here going for our whole 'ticket' routine. Eh, Nina?" Frankie laughed.

"Officer Valerosa," Nina answered seriously, giving her a ticket.

Frankie sadly took it.


A/N They met one creator, but there's more to see.

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