Chapter 13: Wilt Meets Foofy Woogums

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At the bus stop, Wilt got off along with everyone else.

"Now remember, the bus leaves at 3 o'clock," a woman reminded her son.

Wilt looked at the time to see it was 2:15 and he whispered to himself, "3 o'clock."

He walked inside and sat on a bench with a frown on his face. He looked around to see some kids with their imaginary friends, just being happy. He looked to the side to see an umbrella on the bench, so he got it.

"Sorry, but is this your umbrella?" he asked a man.

The man shook his head.

"Excuse me, are you missing an umbrella?" Wilt asked a woman.

She shook her head.

So he took it to the woman at the front, who was blowing bubble gum and it popped, and she took him to the room in the back that was the Lost and Found.

"I'm sorry, but this is your Lost and Found? How does someone know to come back here if they're looking for something they--" Wilt started.

He then noticed the woman had left.

"I bet this umbrella is really missing its owner. No one would ever know he was here," Wilt said as he opened the umbrella.

Then he picked up some gloves.

"And these gloves sure look lonely," he replied.

Then a scarf.

"And this scarf seems so cold without a neck to warm her. I mean, everything wants to belong to somebody, right?" he asked.

"Yes," a little voice answered.

Wilt looked for the owner of the voice to find an adorable, pink, teddy bear imaginary friend named Foofy Woogums.

"Hello," she said.

"Why, hello there little friend," Wilt greeted then told her as he patted her head, "I'm sorry, but imaginary friends don't belong in the lost and found."

"But I am lost. My wittle girl left me here when she was gonna go visit her grandma," Foofy said, sniffled, then continued, near tears, "And she never came to finded me."

She started crying while Wilt was full of shock and pity. He patted her head to comfort her.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm sure she'll be back looking for you soon," he assured.

"But...I've been waiting...since Christmas," Foofy said, sniffling in between words.

"Chriss-masth?" Wilt said like how she said it then replied, "I mean, Christmas? But that was months ago."

Foofy sobbed harder, making Wilt pick her up and hug her as he patted her back.

"No, no, no. Don't cry. You'll see her again some day," he assured then suggested, "Maybe you can go find her yourself."

"But—But I'm afwaid to go all by myself," Foofy sniffled.

"I'm sorry, but my bus is--" Wilt started to say.

It was already 3 pm and the woman from before was waiting for her son while the bus was ready to leave.

"Please, just wait a moment. He should be--" she begged, saw her son running toward her, and told him when he got to her, "There you are. I told you 3 o'clock. We almost missed the bus."

"Sorry, Mom," her son apologized.

They got on and the bus took off. Wilt sighed and looked to the ticket salesman.

"Two please," he requested.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Foofy exclaimed happily while hugging his leg.


A/N So now where is Wilt heading off to?

Foster's Home for Imaginary FriendsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora