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"what Jeon Ye-joon?"

Felix asked and chukle a little and that's when y/n came in with soup and gave it to jungkook he smile and accept it.

"Kookie, can I adopt this cutie? He is soo cutee" - yn

"Go make one by yourself if you want.. he is my son."

Jungkook said and hug Ye-joon tightly near to him and kiss him on forehead.

That day jungkook new side came out. The caring one. A heartless men got heart too. He got soo much protective and caring for ye-joon. That his whole life revolves around that little fluff ball.

Ye-joon love jungkook most in this world. Jungkook made him belive that he is not mistake and he is important too. Felix and yn love him soo much too. He got a new family who love him soo much.

And the first time he called jungkook eomma, that day jungkook grown a new figure in himself, a mother figure. He got mother instict in him at a very small age.

He stop his studies in half soo he can focus on ye-joon but because of Felix stubbornness, jungkook got homeschooling. And jungkook was worried for ye-joon too soo he got home schooling for him too.

Everything was going perfect, jungkook got a reason to live and to take care of himself. He love Felix as his elder brother and yn as his favourite noona but they never become his reason to live. But now he got. He is sure that he will die but never let anything happen to his little baby.

His baby. His son. Jeon Ye-joon.


"Jeon Ye-joon"

Jungkook Chuckle and reply, "yess, it's your name why you are calling yourself?"

"Well, I'm thinking I should get another surname."

Jungkook become serious he is feeling insecure that his baby will leave him and ye-joon notice his and shake his head as no and said,

"Noo I'm not saying I'll leave you. I mean you shoud found someone for me to call appa. Like you will get hubby too"

Jungkook got little shy and laugh and said,
"Who will accept a boy like me? A boy who like guns more then roses."

"How about you find a mafia eomma, you will get roses and guns both."

"Okk, but there is no one perfect for me."

"God have surely made someone for you. Who will be waiting for you. Who knows that person know how to control this psycho prince."

Jungkook just laugh and reply,

"There is no one in this world who can control me. No one can make Jeon Jungkook to kneel "

" Who knows? In this world everyone have someone who is much greater then them. "

" But no one is great then Jeon Jungkook. "

" Let's bet eomma, someone will come for you too "

Jungkook just laugh and went from there.

" I know you also feel lonely eomma. A teenager like you always carve for love i read in book.. i hope you find the most perfect. "



Everything going perfect, jungkook and his little fluff ball relationship going perfect. Felix and yn helping ye-joon finding someone for jungkook but they didn't got someone perfect.

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