Chapter 9- The Love Story 9

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Our character for Life Path nine will be called Kay.

Our Life Path 9 story about Kay begins....

Kay was born on the 30th December, 1992. So let's calculate his life path number as follows:

His date of birthday: 30/3/1992

Please let's calculate by adding all the numbers:


This means Kay is truly a life path nine. And this information below also applies to both male and female. But in this case we are using Kay. And of course David which we may use some other time will also have the same life path information.

Now let us go in detailed about a life path nine. From the introduction, 9 is a compassionate and humanitarian number. So it explains that, Kay is a compassionate individual.

Kay is a life path number 9, he is a humanitarian and serve others. He shows kindness and compassion. He had always been the inspirational light that sheds a beam on others. He helps others to find their way in life.

His favorite quote and golden rule is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". And he gave without remembering and took without forgetting.

He developed an interest in world affairs and gained an appreciation for other cultures, customs, and Religions. He also took the time to explore his love of the arts, whether it was music, sculpture, paintings, theatre, or literature.

His life path number 9, helped him with ideal careers that involved helping others such as teacher, therapist, nurse, doctor, or lawyer. You may also like a career dealing with the arts, Television, films, travel, big business, religion, or charity.

This was a great advice for Kay and all 9's: when it comes to work, they should conceive grand-scale, Moneymaking ideas and let others handle the details.

Life Path 9's are compassionate, understanding, and kind. Those that are not the above are here to learn to be. Kay is empathetic and generous by nature, he is often drawn to helping others and working in a career of service.

As one of their life lessons is to develop broad-mindedness, they will encounter a wide variety of experiences and come into contact with a diverse range of people, from all walks of life.

These diverse people and experiences also teach them patience, understanding, and tolerance, and how to be less judgmental. Kay was creatively gifted so as most 9's.

Some are talented painters, writers, designers, actors, or musicians, whereas others simply have an appreciation of the arts. It is not uncommon for a 9 to excel in the area of health, education, government, politics, or social welfare.

Kay's happiness and all 9's are found in the act of giving and selfless service. And of course some 9's accomplish this more easily than others.

9 is ruled by the fiery planet Mars, which is why 9's can also be passionate, emotional, and intense with a fiery temper to match. Generous by nature, they find joy in showering friends and loved ones with gifts.

Kay and all Life Path 9's make fantastic:

Teachers, counselors, and therapists; social workers and health professionals; politicians, activists, and environmentalists; government workers and lawyers; artists, writers, actors, musicians, photographers, and designers; HR and recruitment consultants; and personal trainers and fitness instructors.

Kay has been a compassionate humanitarians of the world who like to fight for a good course and make the world a better place. He is extremely generous, sympathetic, and kind, and he feels the pain of others.

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