Chapter 2 - The Love Path Story 2

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Our character for Life Path Two will be called Mark.

Our Life Path 2 story about Mark begins....

Mark was born on the 13th April, 1965. So let's calculate his life path number as follows:

Her date of birthday: 13/4/1965

Please let's calculate by adding all the numbers:

1+3+4+1+9+6+5 =29=2+9=11=1+1=2

This means Mark is truly a life path two. And this information below also applies to both male and female. But in this case we are using Mark.

Now let us go in detailed about a life path two. From the introduction, 2 is a cooperative or partnership number. So it explains that, Mark will like partnerships more as compared to Sandy's individuality.

Mark as a life path 2 is a Cooperative Peacemaker of the world. His greatest gift is his extraordinary ability to heal people and the environment around them.

He is a natural mediator who have a talent for smoothing things. His ability for seeing both sides of a situation enables him to arrive at a harmonious outcome for all.

He has a big heart and an enormous capacity to love. He thrive on connection and companionship and will do anything in his power to ensure that everyone feels happy and loved.

Due to a fear of confrontation and overwhelming desire to please, Mark sometimes have trouble saying no, which often causes him to be doormats for others.

Rather than been honest about his feelings and risk upsetting those around them in the process: he tend to become martyrs, hiding his unhappiness or resentment behind his smiles.

He likes being part of a partnership rather than being on his own. This is because he is sensitive to negative energy and he requires a healthy, harmonious environment at all times.

Mark likes regular exercise and meditation, a healthy diet, and loving friendships and partnerships. This is because he knows those are vital to his well-being. Most 2's are musically gifted or are passionate lovers of music.

Mark will be of great support to people who prefer to work on the finer details behind the scenes.

He is a wonderful listeners and have an intuitive sense of timing. This is when it comes to other people and their needs.

Mark always learn to attain balance in every area of life:

· Whether it is finding the balance between giving and receiving.

· Or between their home life and career,

· Or learning how to balance their emotions.

Mark is a life path 2. This makes him a fantastic parent, friend, and partner. He is also an ultimate team member and a great player.

Mark is patient, gentle, and kind. He has a nurturing, feminine energy that is an asset to this world. This is because the number two is ruled by the moon.

Mark's Strengths and all Life Path 2' are:

· Cooperative

· Loving

· Harmonious

· Feminine

· Nurturing

· Patient

· Creative

· Affectionate

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