Chapter 6- The Love Story 6

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Our character for Life Path Six will be called Alex.

Our Life Path 6 story about Alex begins....

Alex was born on the 20th June, 1987. So let's calculate his life path number as follows:

His date of birthday: 20/6/1987

Please let's calculate by adding all the numbers:


This means Alex is truly a life path six. And this information below also applies to both male and female. But in this case we are using Alex. And of course David which we may use some other time will also have the same life path information.

Now let us go in detailed about a life path six. From the introduction, 6 is a responsible and caring number. So it explains that, Alex is a responsible and a caring individual.

Alex is a Life Path Number 6. He is responsible and even more responsible around the house. He does it by attending to chores, and checking things to ensure the smooth running of the house.

He is always ready to do or give extra help at work, even if he will not be paid overtime. When it comes to taking care of himself, he pays more attention to his clothes and general appearance. He is aware that others, both young and old, need him.

He avoids selfishness in any form and give loved ones his affection. Also, he tries to take a more liberal and open-minded approach to life and he allows his idealistic trait show.

As a life path 6, you need to understand that even though you have your own way of doing things, not everyone else has to do things your way. Avoid being unreasonable or stubborn.

Alex knows his role in the community at large. He does it through volunteering and giving counsel and advice to others. He has learnt that he would do the above only when others seek it.

He is a natural harmonizer and ensure peace and smoothness around people even if they do not get along with him. Alex over the years have realized that his ideal career is one where success comes from making the lives of others more comfortable, luxurious, or beautiful. He and all life path 6 can excel in careers that involve counseling, working with animals or children, art, interior design, or catering.

This path of 6's also make fantastic:

Teachers, counselors, and therapists; healers and health practitioners; interior designers and chefs; hair, makeup or clothing stylists; flight attendants and customer service.

Their number is a symbol of love. They make great responsible caregiver, service officers; nutritionists, life coaches, and fitness or personal trainers.

They are the Responsible Caregivers of the world, and their greatest gift is their ability to nurture others with love. They are natural counselors and solid advisors who go above and beyond the call of duty to offer a helping hand.

Relationships are their number one priority, for they are natural parents and providers who dedicate themselves to love. Whether it is for the sake of romantic love or the love of family, children, or friends. Alex will often sacrifice his own needs to put others first.

They are often creatively or musically gifted. Alex is a passionate lover of music.

Alex likes to take responsibility for everybody and everything in his Life. However, in his quest to do right for everyone, he often end up becoming martyr.

He often feels as if he is not being giving, doing, or achieving "enough." In their mission to improve people's lives, they can take responsibility too far by interfering excessively.

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