🔞CHAPTER 3:A Long Ride

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she was scrolling through her instagram watching fandom edits of her favorite animes ,


she got a notification.

dynamight01 requested to follow you .

her face went pale she blocked him immediately .

why can't he leave me alone.

again she got a notification it was a message on her mobile number and a pic attached to it .

it was her pic which bakugou clicked .

how he got my no.

'unblock me now i won't say it again'

she knows he will upload her picture to the social media if she won't .

so she reluctantly did it, she unblocked him and accepted his request .

"follow me back"


she doesnt want to ,but she also don't want any troubles so she did it and now his whole feed was visible to her.

picture of him showing his abs , showing his quirk , he has a lot of followers 50k no doubt because he is popular and almost best in all the activities in school in studies and all extra curricular.

his and her marks are almost same in every subject .

he is a great drummer , great looks all the girls drool over him beside the fact he has the worst personality he is a BULLY and temper problem ,and she could never like him ever in ever in her life.

she saw a picture of him with a blonde girl camie , she is his girlfriend the hottest girl of our college.

she again got a message from him

"what's the point of having an instagram account when you don't upload any pictures , you can upload the one i send you lol"


was he even following her on instagram , i have one follower which is ofcourse him only.

" we are going on a road trip , i ll pick you up at 5 "

wtf nooo how can he even think i will go anywhere with him and why he wants me to go he never asked me before to go anywhere with him .

whatever be the reason i don't wanna be near him.

"i can't i have work to do" she dont but she hates being around him for obvious reasons.

he sent her picture again .

"at 5 i ll be at you door "


he is going to blackmail me everytime just one more month and i ll be 19 it will be over just bare with it till then.

it's going to be the longest month of my life.

she was ready with my baggy hoodie and trouser ,shoes ,mask ,glasses .

she heard a car horn.

wait how he knows my address .

she saw kirishima driving and his girlfriend mina sitting next to him , kaminari and his girlfriend jiro at the last seat and jerk katsuki bakugou sitting in the middle one, a seat empty for her next to him.

she opened the door and sat as close to the door as she could and as far from katsuki as possible .

which was not much of the distance because he was sitting his legs spread wide hand on the back of seat taking as much place as his large body could leaving a little for her.

Masked girl × Her Bully(katsuki bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now