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"Why do you work if you don't need to?"

We were on one of our nightly walks home from the restaurant, cars zoomed past, and groups of friends stood huddled together on the streets, preparing for their friday night partying.

"Just to have something of my own, I don't want my folks doing everything for me."

"I get that...but I can't honestly say I'd do the same in your situation."

"I find it hard to believe that you'd just sit back and let your family take care of everything for you."

"I just think I have a different perspective."

I start to trace the cement borders on the brick buildings as we continue walking.

"Care to elaborate?"

"I mean, having financial freedom is a goal that many people that look like me dream about. I am not 100% sure if I'd make the same decision without the current experience that I have, but if I was well off, I don't think that I'd get a job somewhere that I know there's plenty of people struggling, who need a job to sustain themselves."

"Now I just feel like shit."

I continue, "I wouldn't just sit around either, I definitely use my extra time wisely doing things I enjoy...maybe if I wanted some money of my own I'd try my hand in business...give myself a real challenge ya know?"

"Yeah, I guess I just thought of getting a job as a way to feel normal and actually work for something for a change."

"I don't think you're completely wrong..."

"-I have an idea."

"Keep going"

"Think of this job being for "the eventually."

"What'll happen eventually?"

We stop on a corner, waiting for the streetlight to give the signals for pedestrians to walk.

"I'll save all my checks and eventually I'll have enough money to run away."

I playfully shove him, "And leave me here? Some friend you are."

"Of course you'd come with me."

The light changes to the walking man, he walks as I stand there stunned until I lightly jog to catch up with him.

"Maybe you can just donate a portion of your check to charity?"

"Nope, I already made up my mind, I'm not touching a penny."

He takes my hand as we're walking, I can feel him fishing for eye contact, but I stubbornly keep my eyes straight ahead.

"Every day I'm working will be a daydream, until we can live out the lives we want together."

I can see him wiggling his eyebrows in my peripheral vision.

"You make it sound so simple," I say under my breath.

"What was that?'


"Whatever you say Mr. Banks."  

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