green tea latte

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music for a sushi restaurant 

It's my fourth time here this week- I'll admit, it's a little pathetic.

The same routine happens every night.

I'll order california rolls, he'll make a joke about them not being authentic sushi, and I don't respond. The sound of his voice makes my brain become scrambled eggs.

I wasn't expecting tonight to be any different.

"If it isn't our favorite lonely night visitor, what can I get you?"

I scan over the menu, once, twice, thrice, even though I already know what I want.

"I'll take the california rolls, please?"

Before he can respond, his watch gets a notification. Whatever the message says causes his brows to furrow. I watch his once relaxed posture become rigid and jaw tick with irritation.

His focus quickly snaps back to me.

"Will that be all?"

No jokes tonight.

My brain takes a while to comprehend this deviation.

"Huh? I mean yeah, yes, that's all."

He sharply nods and walks back to the kitchen.

When my food is ready another server brings it to my table. As the kitchen doors swing shut I catch a glimpse of him pacing back & forth.

What did that message say?

By the time I'm finished eating I've created a billion scenarios, one not standing out from the other. I was so deep in my thoughts that I almost didn't notice him place the check down on my table.

"Just leave it on the table when you're done, have a nice night."

Before he can walk off I stop him.

"I'd like some ice cream please."

"The machine's down."

I don't believe him. I know for a fact that I just saw a little girl leave with a vanilla cone, but I kept that to myself.

"What about the green tea latte? I heard that's pretty good."

He snickers under his breath like he wants to say something, but doesn't.

"If that's what you want, coming right up."

Again, he doesn't bring out the drink, but I accept it kindly with a small smile.

The latte was horrible, but I just couldn't throw it away. That'll be a waste of their time and my money, so I very slowly forced the bitter drink down my throat.

By the time I was done everyone had nearly left the restaurant and the stragglers were wrapping up. I threw my tab and a couple of extra bills on the table before heading to the door.

I was immediately greeted by the windy nighttime breeze. I shivered and wrapped my sweater tighter around me.

I paused to take in the silence, you can barely ever witness the street this peaceful.

I catch movement from the corner of my eye.

It's him.

I watch him take a cigarette from the pack, he battles with himself for a minute before throwing it to the ground. Instead, he opens a piece of blue Extra peppermint gum.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

I jump from my reverie, praying that he can't see my flushed face illuminated by the LED lights.

"I wasn't staring."

He just hums in response and gives me a cheeky grin.

"Whatever you say."

A moment of awkward silence passes between us, I clear my throat, really unsure of what to do next before he speaks up.

"You know I'd hate for you to go broke spending all of your money on an overpriced Manhattan california roll, there's plenty of cooler spots that are way cheaper."

I lightly shrug my shoulders.

"I like it here."

"If that's what you want."

There's another beat of silence. This time instead of filling it with words, he decided to come sit on the curb beside my feet. Not wanting to stand and crane my neck down at him, I decided to follow suit.

I steal a quick glance before letting myself relax into a comfortable silence.

I look up to the sky.

"If the stars were edible, I think they'd taste like Pop Rocks."


Did I say that out loud?

I clear my throat again.

"I said, if the stars were edible I think they'd taste like Pop Rocks."

It's quiet.

My heartbeat quickens.

After a few moments I steal another glance at him, he appears to be deep in thought before uttering: "I agree."

I say nothing in the response, letting my small smile speak a thousand words.

A few minutes pass before I decided to check the time on my phone to see that it was a little after one A.M.

My movement catches his attention.

"It's late, I guess you should be heading home, you probably have class tomorrow."

My heart quickens again at the thought of him paying attention to me like I was him.

But it resumes its normal pace as he taps my student ID on my keychain before standing up and brushing off his pants.

My eyes meet his green ones as I try to think of something to end the night with.

"Um, see you later?"

It sounded more like a question than a statement.

With my neck burning I start walking in the opposite direction. After a bit, I noticed his presence behind and then beside me.

"We don't want you getting lost now do we?"

"I guess not."

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