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"You look like an idiot."

I couldn't contain my laughter as I watched him belt show tunes in the now sparsely populated parking lot.

"Yeah, but I'm your favorite idiot."

"Whatever, just please sit down."

"Fine, I knew you'd be jealous of my excellent range."

"Sure, that's what that was, keep lying to yourself."

I shivered as he lowered himself down into the driver's seat. The drive-in movie had been over for at least thirty minutes, but we stayed parked- neither of us quite ready to go home yet.

"Are you cold?"

"Just a little bit."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

He turned the thermostat up.

"As your number one fan, I couldn't interrupt your performance."

"Mmmhm, well next time can you say something please? I don't need you turning into a popsicle, I don't know how I'll explain that to the authorities."

I give him a mini salute with my frozen fingers.

"Sir yes sir!"

He just rolls his eyes and presses the button to close the convertible's top.

"Next time I'll just let you freeze your stubborn abominable snowman."

I just stick my tongue out at him in response.

"Alrightly, where to next? The night is still young."

"Actually, do you think I could spend the night at your place?"

"You know I don't mind, but what about your mom, will she be alright on her own?"

"One of her close friends is spending the weekend with her, she'll be ok, plus they promised they'd call if there was an emergency."


I knew he came from money, but his house was breathtaking. I almost broke my neck looking at everything while walking up the staircase.

We finally arrived in front of a door that I'm assuming is his room.

"Welcome to mi casa."

I looked around as we walked further into the room. It looked like an average boyish room, neat with touches of his personality. One thing that caught my attention was a collage of movie posters in a corner by a bookshelf.

I carefully looked at each one.

"Some of these look old."

He scratches the back of his neck and clears his throat.

"Um,'s a little hobby of mine, my minor is in Cinema Studies."

I trace my fingers over one of the posters.

"This is cool."


He tries to distract me by changing the topic, but I let him, for now.

"The showers over there, I already put some sweats and a t-shirt on the sink, just throw your dirty ones down the chute in the bathroom. I'll wash them and they'll be dry in the morning."

"Ok, thanks."

When I got out of the shower he was already in the bed and under the covers.

"Where am I gonna sleep?"

"You can sleep in the bed, and I can sleep on the couch."

He moves to grab his pillow and throws it from the foot of the bed.

"I'm not gonna kick you out of your bed, we can share, I promise I won't bite."

He mumbles something under his breath before getting back into the bed.

"What was that?"


Once we were both settled he turned off his bedside lamp.

We both lay in the dark staring up at the glow in the stars on the popcorn ceiling.

"I put those up there when I was little, never took them down."

"I like them, they remind me of nights in the city."

"Me too."

"You know, we're together, we talk, but I don't feel like I know a lot about you."

"What do you mean? Is this about what I told you earlier?"

"Yes and no, I knew you loved movies, but as your best friend I should've known that you were minoring in Cinema Studies or that you had a movie poster collection-"

"So now we're best friends?"

I pause, a little unsure.

"Aren't we?"

"Relax, I was just kidding, of course, we are. Fine, what else do you want to know?"

I spent the rest of the night asking him questions in the darkness, our words whispering into the early hours of the morning before he eventually dozed off.

I lay there, admiring his sleeping state in the blue light, not being able to explain my emotions, but I knew that everything felt so right. 


Sorry, I know it's been a while since I last updated! My surgery was a sucess, but I went through some complications while trying to recover (I go into more details on my Instagram page: @wildflouwir). I hope my updates will be more consistent now, but with my current health situtation I can't make any promises! 

How do you feel about the story so far? Don't be shy, lemme know! -Kaylaa' 

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