The tables were glass with a fine cloth protecting them, there were flutes with crystals and diamonds, and I knew this was going to have the type of food where the portions are small yet very expensive. We sat down across from each other with a menu in our hands.

"You're too far." He mumbled and then his hand was underneath my chair as he tugged me to him. "Better." His hand stayed over my thigh. "What would you like to eat?"

I made sure the menu was covering my face as I turned to him. "Can Sir order for me?" I asked, in a low voice.

He licked his lips and nodded smugly. "Yes."

The waiter came and Bill and Dean both gave them their orders along with ours. Brenda and I chatted about whatever we could think about, while Bill and Dean seemed to be closing up some business deal.

The waiter came back a few moments later with salads and some wine. I looked over to Dean when I saw that he also poured me a cup.

He leaned in and I felt his lips brush my ear. "One. You can have one cup."

I indulged in the white wine while I ate the most expensive and tastiest arugula salad in my life. We barely finished our salads when our main entrees appeared in front of us.

Each person had a different plate that varied from chicken to seafood to kinds of foods I didn't even know.

My plate was spaghetti with basil pesto and cherry tomatoes, thankfully, it was something I liked. It's not that I was a picky eater, but there were certain types of foods that I'd rather just stay away from.

Like eggplants. I mentally grimaced.

"So how did you and Dean meet?" Brenda asked.

"We grew up together, but I haven't seen him in two years. I walk into his new bar, not knowing it was his, and I bump into him there." I explained loosely.

"I saw her from across the bar, dancing with some lame-ass guy, and all I could think was how beautiful she looked dancing, but how'd she'd look even more beautiful if she was dancing with me."

Was he watching me dance that night? Or was it another lie that we both created to make our fake dating more believable?

Our contract was still valid, and I knew that it didn't matter if we kissed or not, because it'd still be there, hanging over our heads like some legal cloud.

We could continue to fake-date with benefits until the three-month period was over, which then we would go our separate ways. Is that what would happen?

Would Dean and I be able to walk away from each other after the three months are over? I mean it's only been less than a month, and we've fought and argued every step of the way.

If it wasn't for my drunken phone call, he wouldn't have changed. He would have been the same cold and ruthless man that treated me horribly. Is this sweet and gentle part of Dean real or not?

The kiss felt real. The way he touched me felt more than real. Surely, he wouldn't be lying and manipulating me.

Dean wouldn't do that to me. I mean, contract and fake shit aside, I was still Nick's little sister, and he would never hurt me.

He wouldn't risk his friendship with Nick to fool around with me. He just wouldn't. The rest of lunch consisted of Dean casually touching me.

Stroking my arm, moving my hair out of my face, and caressing the bare skin of my thighs.

The lunch seemed to drag on, and I wasn't even focused on anything. Each brush of his fingers on my flesh had me shivering and pressing against him for more.

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