Chapter 51: Honour and Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

Keyes: You three are the only Spartan teams that we have. Most of M.I.A or still out there fighting or surviving. Either way you three are the only teams we have left so listen up. Noble team had a package that I want you three to protect. This package will not fall to enemy hands understood. If the Covenant gets the package then it's game over for humanity. We will give you Pelicans so you can catch up to Noble team and assist them on their mission. That's it, you have your mission, get it done. Dismissed.

They all saluted and left the room except for Y/n and once everyone left Y/n ask Keyes.

Y/n: Sir did Halsey told you about the operation she put us on?

Keyes: Indeed. I've read the operation and it seems suicide but.....if there is a way to fight against the Covenant....I that is our only shot we have left. Since you needed Spartans to assist allow me to introduce another Spartan that will assist you on this mission.

Then the doors open behind Y/nnas he turn and sees a Spartan walking up to Y/n and then stood beside him as he give Keyes a salute.

Then the doors open behind Y/nnas he turn and sees a Spartan walking up to Y/n and then stood beside him as he give Keyes a salute

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Watcher: Huh that's a cool armor.

Y/n: (surprised) Same.

Keyes: This is Spartan Ash. He'll assist you in your mission and your operation after that. Take care you two, you are dismissed.

Y/n: Yes sir.

Ash nodes as the two make their leave and once they left the room Ash glance over at Y/n and then tells him.

Ash: It be an honour working for the brother of the master chief.

Y/n: Thanks. Gonna say you have a cool armor.

Ash: Thanks. So where to?

Y/n: At the hanger. We meet everyone else there and head out.

Ash: Roger.

Watcher: Damn he is a badass wearing that knight armor thing.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess Spartans have it's taste.

Ash: What?

Y/n: Oh sorry, just talking to Watcher my AI.

Ash: Oh I see.

Soon they arruve to the hanger and once there they walk up to the other teams as they look up to see both Y/n and Ash.

Tucker: Whose this new guy?

Caboose: Is he a new friend!?

Y/n: Guys this is Ash. He'll be joining us on the mission the operation: Planet Riot. Ash, this is my team and friends.

Eric: (smile) Nice to meet you man.

Sarge: Same here. Welcome to the battle.

Ash: I'm glad to be here.

He then turn and looks at Carolina as the two stare at each other and then Ash said to her.

Ash: Hey Carolina. Nice to see you alright.

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