Chapter 17

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Hay, it's the one and only Hope! Read the small authors not at the end. It's good!

Ok. Don't get mad. There is a slight plot twist. Just a smalllll tiny one. Just a itty bitty one.

Surprise! This chapter will end in Harry's POV.

OMFG. WOW. 6.52k reads AND 448 VOTES. TO BE HONEST. I ONLY THOUGHT THIS BOOK WOULD HAVE 3-4K READS AND 150 VOTES. THANK YOU! this chapter is 1,162 words.

Anyways... Recap of Aphrodite's POV;


'"GIVE HER BACK TO ME! SHE'S MINE!" He screamed.

The mored he screamed amd got madder, the flames grew.

"Come here love, I won't hurt you."

I didn't answer.

In a flash he was right in front of me.

"I'll take her, thank you very much." He said with a lot of attitude.

He trued to pull me out of the mans grip, his burning hands burnt my delicate skin.

I cried silently as Niall pulled again.

"What. The. Hell?" He muttered.

He made no sucess in doing so.

"Ok, I guess we'll have to do it the hard way."

I squirmed.

"Let the games begin..." He said smirking eveily.'

Quote of the Chapter;

"God may have made Fruit, but the Devil has made spices.."

- Unknown .

Aphrodite's Point Of View;

I stared into the eyes of the man I used to like. His blonde locks, blue eyes, beautiful tan skin was all washed away by black eyes and pale skin. He stared back with so much hatered in his eyes, I can't help but look away.

"Give. Her. Back." He spoke through gritted teeth. The mysterious man still held on to me. He just stared into the face of Satan. He wasn't even afraid.

"I banished you once, I can do it again and keep you locked away." Niall just laughed. "Please, you think you can stop me?" "I am more powerful than you, Niall." Niall growled making the fire around him hit the ceilings.

"Don't make me do this, Clifford. ."My eyes grew the size of saucers. "Clifford!!" I blurted out. "Oh, yes my dear. Your best friend. Michael Clifford." Ijust stared at Michael. "Aphrodite," he started. "Please don't be mad at me. I swear I did-" "Michael! Why would I be mad. You're helping me escape this hell hole!"

In the background I heard a faint 'Hey!' From Niall. I would have laughed if this was normal. But it's not. Suddenly, staring at Niall, my eye sight started to change. Niall went from his normal looking self to an evil demon. His skin was pale, eyes were black, exactly like midnight. He took a small step forward as if he was getting ready to grab me. As he walked, he has fire footprints.

I turned to look at Michael, and I saw his face. It wasn't a blank shield. Now I could see every feature on his face. His face look even more gorgeous. Eyes were shining bright as the sun. Skin as beautiful as the heavens above. W-what's happening to me?" I asked all scared. "What's going on with my vision. Why can I see you!?" I yelled.

"You're changing." Michael said. "I-into what?" "A Grimm." (A/N. Btw. Grimms are very powerful, they do have the power to take away other people's power *insert smirking emoji*) "I'm sorry what?" I sassed. "I said. A. Grimm." Michael sassed back. Feisty "I'd really hate to interrupt this nice reunion but can I have what belongs to me and not that" Niall paused to think. "That curly haired freak."

"Harry is not a freak ok!? If anyone's the freak it you." I snapped. The look on Niall's face made me so scared, crept behind Michael. 'When I tell you to run soon, you need to run. I'll see you soon my child...' The voice of Michael made an imprint in my head. I nodded and mumbled ok. Niall charged and Michael ran and held him back. "Aphrodite, run! Run and never look back!" Michael shouted.

I ran but started to turn my head, "Don't turn around! Keep going. Run to Harry! "See you on the flip side." I could hear the smirk as Michael spoke. I ran and I never looked back.

I saw the red door that leads to Harry's and I sprinted. I twisted the knob and ran inside slamming the door shut. I tuned around to see the out line of Harry right there.

"Harry..." I breathed out. There was something different about him. He had a glowing aurora around him. "Hello Aphrodite."

Harry's Point Of View:

*a few hour ago*

I sat on the bed with my hands running through my hair thinking of ways to find Aphrodite. It's been a week now. Niall had taken her and I want to know where she is.

"Harry..." My head shot up. "Harry..." I looked around the room. "Harry..." I started to travel through the mirrors. Then I heard Aphrodite's cries. Then a wave of pain came through my body and it was all black.

*Moments before Aphrodite came into the room*

I sat up and walked into the kitchen. Grabbing a glass I filled it up with water. Voices rang into my ears making me grip onto the glass.

'Kill her...' I gripped the glass a little tighter. 'She's coming...' "Who?" I said. 'Kill her...' "Stop." I muttered angrily. 'Sacrifice her...' I let out an animalistic growl. The glass cup I had in my hand broke because of my grip on the cup.

'Enjoy the feeling of her blood all over her hands like L-' they voices were cut off by the familiar smell of Aphrodite.By that moment, the second she walked into the door, I knew something had came over me.

"Harry..." She breathed out after she had turned around. I smirked evilly on the inside. "Hello Aphrodite." And in that moment I knew I was corrupted by the voices that was talking to me earlier. I had one destiny at the moment. One Dream.
To kill Aphrodite...


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