38* E Don Gooooooo

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This chapter is for my Wattfam, every single one of you. I love you guys ❤️❤️

Also, Anjola and Grace, don't lemme see you in this chapter 🔪🗡


"My notebooks are crumbled, there's a scratch on my MacBook and this is obviously not how I arranged my table so what happened? It looks like someone hurriedly arranged my books after leaving them in disarray so," he turned back to me with a slight scowl on his face all the while looking too good for his own good in the black and white dress code of his department.

"So may I ask what happened on my desk?"

Memories of four nights ago flashed unbridled in my head and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop the grin from spreading on my face.

Wale held out a finger that same second I opened my mouth to talk.

"No, please, don't!"

"But I was only..."

"Shut up! I don't need the details of how..." he groaned before looking away from my position on the floor, "you guys should just keep whatever atrocity you want to commit to your side of the room," he gestured toward my table and bed and the sight of my bed and the insinuation of what he was saying made another bout of memory flashed through my head.

Dunni squirming and moaning underneath me and geez... I readjusted myself. Definitely not a thing to remember if I wanted to remain sane.

"You should just..." his eyes widened and he dropped the note he had been holding as if he was scalded with hot coal, "Geez, and I've been touching and holding stuff on this table since I got back, who knows just contaminated they are."

Jesus Christ.

"What the fuck? What are you thinking?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, "I wouldn't know. You guys are the ones that nearly broke an expensive MacBook because you..." he sighed, obviously exasperated, "Dunni needs to stay away from you if she knows what's good for her."

"I'm good for her," I replied casually and he looked like he was a step away from walking over and giving me a hard knock on my head. There was still the whole issue of him liking Dunni back then and I wasn't sure if he was really over her or if he just said that to put my mind at ease.

But I doubt he'd be so nonchalant with talking about us if he wasn't over her.

But then again, he was Wale, no one was more unreadable with their emotions than him.

"You know what, if you're going to be this exasperated with the idea of us making out and stuff..."

"I know you guys make out all the time," he interrupted me with a growl, "I just don't need to get slammed in the face with the evidence or whatever. Now, I can't read at my desk and sleep on my bed without... God!" He darted panicked eyes to his bed before looking at me, "you guys didn't..."

"Shut up," I hurled the nearest object at him and the almost empty tissue paper hit him square in the face.

"Just get a girl and up your love or maybe even sex life and stop going all ballistic on us."

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